Number of users / requests | Users | Requests |
6401 | 31419 |
Types requested | All | Partial | All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All". Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial". A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest. |
8384 | 23035 |
Years | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
466 | 657 | 4279 | 4962 | 3006 | 2112 | 2173 | 1663 | 1733 | 1190 | 1049 | 1835 | 2096 | 2376 | 1300 | 522 |
Formats requested | Types requested | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No. | Date requested | Types requested | Format | #records | Along with... | Species included | Request ID |
801 | 2023-05-05 | whole_species | csv | 4 | List of datasets | List of species | 6455148e5e7fc_20230505_104517 |
802 | 2023-05-04 | whole_species | csv | 11 | List of datasets | List of species | 6454308b7e8b2_20230504_182613 |
803 | 2023-05-04 | whole_species | csv | 11 | List of datasets | List of species | 64543333be923_20230504_183657 |
804 | 2023-05-04 | whole_species | csv | 11 | List of datasets | List of species | 6454308b7e8b2_20230504_183017 |
805 | 2023-05-02 | whole_species | gdb | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 645118eaeeb5f_20230502_100933 |
806 | 2023-05-02 | dist_sp | csv | 2 | List of datasets | List of species | 6451866399280_20230502_180147 |
807 | 2023-05-01 | dist_sp | kml | 4 | List of datasets | List of species | 644fe083cb439_20230501_121212 |
808 | 2023-04-30 | whole_species | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 644e6eb8bbc10_20230430_094033 |
809 | 2023-04-27 | whole_species | kml | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 644afb41ab8b8_20230427_185243 |
810 | 2023-04-25 | whole_species | kml | 4 | List of datasets | List of species | 6447b9e1e3164_20230425_085614 |
811 | 2023-04-25 | whole_species | csv | 4 | List of datasets | List of species | 6447b9e1e3164_20230425_074005 |
812 | 2023-04-25 | whole_species | gdb | 4 | List of datasets | List of species | 6447b9e1e3164_20230425_074542 |
813 | 2023-04-25 | whole_species | gdb | 25 | List of datasets | List of species | 644810c80edfc_20230425_135332 |
814 | 2023-04-25 | whole_species | gdb | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 6447d12f97936_20230425_091725 |
815 | 2023-04-25 | whole_species | kml | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 6447d12f97936_20230425_092534 |
816 | 2023-04-24 | dist_sp | shapefile | 22 | List of datasets | List of species | 6446faabf31dd_20230424_175815 |
817 | 2023-04-23 | whole_species | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 6445477f0aa8c_20230423_105826 |
818 | 2023-04-23 | dist_sp | csv | 24 | List of datasets | List of species | 64450c8a4fdfd_20230423_064824 |
819 | 2023-04-23 | dist_sp | csv | 178 | List of datasets | List of species | 64450b6a055fc_20230423_064411 |
820 | 2023-04-23 | dist_sp | csv | 458 | List of datasets | List of species | 6444f4efa9a05_20230423_060355 |
821 | 2023-04-23 | dist_sp | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 64450c0002e48_20230423_064629 |
822 | 2023-04-23 | dist_sp | csv | 2 | List of datasets | List of species | 64450d9254c82_20230423_073038 |
823 | 2023-04-23 | dist_sp | csv | 707 | List of datasets | List of species | 644506a88d1d9_20230423_064128 |
824 | 2023-04-23 | dist_sp | csv | 63 | List of datasets | List of species | 64450294ed0c6_20230423_062107 |
825 | 2023-04-18 | whole_species | csv | 63 | List of datasets | List of species | 643f27f7bb74e_20230418_201717 |
826 | 2023-04-18 | dist_sp | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 643ed42d130c7_20230418_133502 |
827 | 2023-04-17 | dist_sp | wfs | 66 | List of datasets | List of species | 643d7605689a8_20230417_125928 |
828 | 2023-04-17 | dist_sp | csv | 61 | List of datasets | List of species | 643d7605689a8_20230417_124515 |
829 | 2023-04-17 | dist_sp | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 643cb8bec103c_20230416_232102 |
830 | 2023-04-13 | whole_species | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 6437fede0b08c_20230413_090905 |
831 | 2023-04-12 | whole_species | gdb | 63 | List of datasets | List of species | 6436bcbc8ed13_20230412_104509 |
832 | 2023-04-11 | dist_sp | csv | 4 | List of datasets | List of species | 643573cbba126_20230411_105840 |
833 | 2023-04-11 | dist_sp | csv | 4 | List of datasets | List of species | 643597cdb6cc4_20230411_142421 |
834 | 2023-04-11 | dist_sp | csv | 4 | List of datasets | List of species | 643573cbba126_20230411_105837 |
835 | 2023-04-11 | dist_sp | csv | 4 | List of datasets | List of species | 643573cbba126_20230411_105832 |
836 | 2023-04-11 | points | kml | 4 | List of datasets | List of species | 6436009495667_20230411_205401 |
837 | 2023-04-11 | whole_species | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 64356c1451f62_20230411_101932 |
838 | 2023-04-10 | whole_species | gdb | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 64346a5d38c6e_20230410_155842 |
839 | 2023-04-10 | dist_sp | shapefile | 762 | List of datasets | List of species | 643434123a3ae_20230410_121321 |
840 | 2023-04-06 | whole_species | gdb | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 642ea5c9bfb8b_20230406_070428 |
841 | 2023-04-06 | whole_species | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 642ea5c9bfb8b_20230406_070322 |
842 | 2023-04-06 | whole_species | kml | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 642ea5c9bfb8b_20230406_070345 |
843 | 2023-04-06 | whole_species | csv | 11 | List of datasets | List of species | 642f4adebd314_20230406_184812 |
844 | 2023-04-06 | whole_species | gdb | 11 | List of datasets | List of species | 642f4adebd314_20230406_184842 |
845 | 2023-04-06 | whole_species | csv | 11 | List of datasets | List of species | 642f4c390ce34_20230406_184847 |
846 | 2023-04-06 | whole_species | csv | 203 | List of datasets | List of species | 642ed8d2391db_20230406_104207 |
847 | 2023-04-05 | dist_sp | kml | 40 | List of datasets | List of species | 642d79a12d8d1_20230405_094953 |
848 | 2023-04-05 | dist_sp | kml | 40 | List of datasets | List of species | 642d79a12d8d1_20230405_094950 |
849 | 2023-04-05 | whole_species | kml | 26 | List of datasets | List of species | 642cfea2a32b5_20230405_005539 |
850 | 2023-04-05 | whole_species | kml | 26 | List of datasets | List of species | 642cfed8a7a87_20230405_011257 |