Reference in the Marine Wildlife Behavior Database (MWBD)
S.A. Eckert. 2002. Swim speed and movement patterns of gravid leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) at St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. The Journal of Experimental Biology 205: 3689-3697.
The number of data entries in the reference: 10
1: Data Entry for Entry ID 1
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 1 |
R_KEY | Eckert2002a |
R_BeginLatitude(dd) | 17 |
R_BeginLongitude(dd) | -64 |
R_EndLatitude(dd) | 18 |
R_EndLongitude(dd) | -66 |
R_Topology | bounding box |
R_GeographicArea | Sea |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1993 |
R_MonthStudy | May |
R_CollectionMethod | Ultramarine velocity recorders (Ultramarine Instruments Inc.); Mk3 TDRs (Wildlife Computers); VHF radio transmitters (Telonics Mod 600) |
R_Resolution | 0.005 m/s; 20 s; 2 m |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes: day dives were deeper and longer, with longer surface and bottom durations and faster ascent and descent rates |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Tables |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | swim speed, dive depth, dive time, surface interval, bottom duration, descent rate, ascent rate |
R_IndividualAnimalId | |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 7 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Summary swim speed for all 7 animals |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 174843 |
ID_CommonName | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ScientificName | Dermochelys coriacea |
ID_BehState | Internesting interval |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | Adult |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | 2.8 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | 0.63 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | 0.66 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | 0.67 |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | 0.24 |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
2: Data Entry for Entry ID 2
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 2 |
R_KEY | Eckert2002a |
R_BeginLatitude(dd) | 17 |
R_BeginLongitude(dd) | -64 |
R_EndLatitude(dd) | 18 |
R_EndLongitude(dd) | -66 |
R_Topology | bounding box |
R_GeographicArea | Sea |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1993 |
R_MonthStudy | May |
R_CollectionMethod | Ultramarine velocity recorders (Ultramarine Instruments Inc.); Mk3 TDRs (Wildlife Computers); VHF radio transmitters (Telonics Mod 600) |
R_Resolution | 0.005 m/s; 20 s; 2 m |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes: day dives were deeper and longer, with longer surface and bottom durations and faster ascent and descent rates |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Tables |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | swim speed, dive depth, dive time, surface interval, bottom duration, descent rate, ascent rate |
R_IndividualAnimalId | 2 |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 1 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Swim speed for turtle #2 |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 174843 |
ID_CommonName | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ScientificName | Dermochelys coriacea |
ID_BehState | Internesting interval |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | Adult |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | 2.1 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | 0.7 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | 0.67 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | 0.68 |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | 0.21 |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
3: Data Entry for Entry ID 3
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 3 |
R_KEY | Eckert2002a |
R_BeginLatitude(dd) | 17 |
R_BeginLongitude(dd) | -64 |
R_EndLatitude(dd) | 18 |
R_EndLongitude(dd) | -66 |
R_Topology | bounding box |
R_GeographicArea | Sea |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1993 |
R_MonthStudy | May |
R_CollectionMethod | Ultramarine velocity recorders (Ultramarine Instruments Inc.); Mk3 TDRs (Wildlife Computers); VHF radio transmitters (Telonics Mod 600) |
R_Resolution | 0.005 m/s; 20 s; 2 m |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes: day dives were deeper and longer, with longer surface and bottom durations and faster ascent and descent rates |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Tables |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | swim speed, dive depth, dive time, surface interval, bottom duration, descent rate, ascent rate |
R_IndividualAnimalId | 4 |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 1 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Swim speed for turtle #4 |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 174843 |
ID_CommonName | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ScientificName | Dermochelys coriacea |
ID_BehState | Internesting interval |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | Adult |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | 2 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | 0.63 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | 0.68 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | 0.66 |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | 0.23 |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
4: Data Entry for Entry ID 4
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 4 |
R_KEY | Eckert2002a |
R_BeginLatitude(dd) | 17 |
R_BeginLongitude(dd) | -64 |
R_EndLatitude(dd) | 18 |
R_EndLongitude(dd) | -66 |
R_Topology | bounding box |
R_GeographicArea | Sea |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1993 |
R_MonthStudy | May |
R_CollectionMethod | Ultramarine velocity recorders (Ultramarine Instruments Inc.); Mk3 TDRs (Wildlife Computers); VHF radio transmitters (Telonics Mod 600) |
R_Resolution | 0.005 m/s; 20 s; 2 m |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes: day dives were deeper and longer, with longer surface and bottom durations and faster ascent and descent rates |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Tables |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | swim speed, dive depth, dive time, surface interval, bottom duration, descent rate, ascent rate |
R_IndividualAnimalId | 5 |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 1 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Swim & dive data for turtle #5 |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 174843 |
ID_CommonName | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ScientificName | Dermochelys coriacea |
ID_BehState | Internesting interval |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | Adult |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 490 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | 93 |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 72.8 |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | 1398 |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 618 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 408 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | 522 |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 156 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 114 |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | 9.4 |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | 0.32 |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | 1.9 |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | 24.8 |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | 0.54 |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | 1.5 |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | 9996 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 204 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 474 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | 1.9 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | 0.55 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | 0.58 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | 0.56 |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | 0.18 |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
5: Data Entry for Entry ID 5
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 5 |
R_KEY | Eckert2002a |
R_BeginLatitude(dd) | 17 |
R_BeginLongitude(dd) | -64 |
R_EndLatitude(dd) | 18 |
R_EndLongitude(dd) | -66 |
R_Topology | bounding box |
R_GeographicArea | Sea |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1993 |
R_MonthStudy | May |
R_CollectionMethod | Ultramarine velocity recorders (Ultramarine Instruments Inc.); Mk3 TDRs (Wildlife Computers); VHF radio transmitters (Telonics Mod 600) |
R_Resolution | 0.005 m/s; 20 s; 2 m |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes: day dives were deeper and longer, with longer surface and bottom durations and faster ascent and descent rates |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Tables |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | swim speed, dive depth, dive time, surface interval, bottom duration, descent rate, ascent rate |
R_IndividualAnimalId | 6 |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 1 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Swim & dive data for turtle #6 |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 174843 |
ID_CommonName | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ScientificName | Dermochelys coriacea |
ID_BehState | Internesting interval |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | Adult |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 480 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | 64 |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 57 |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | 1758 |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 612 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 432 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | 702 |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 192 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 156 |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | 1 |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | 0.3 |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | 0.14 |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | 1.2 |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | 0.28 |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | 0.11 |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | 17640 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 534 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 1158 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | 2.6 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | 0.67 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | 0.78 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | 0.84 |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | 0.32 |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
6: Data Entry for Entry ID 6
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 6 |
R_KEY | Eckert2002a |
R_BeginLatitude(dd) | 17 |
R_BeginLongitude(dd) | -64 |
R_EndLatitude(dd) | 18 |
R_EndLongitude(dd) | -66 |
R_Topology | bounding box |
R_GeographicArea | Sea |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1993 |
R_MonthStudy | May |
R_CollectionMethod | Ultramarine velocity recorders (Ultramarine Instruments Inc.); Mk3 TDRs (Wildlife Computers); VHF radio transmitters (Telonics Mod 600) |
R_Resolution | 0.005 m/s; 20 s; 2 m |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes: day dives were deeper and longer, with longer surface and bottom durations and faster ascent and descent rates |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Tables |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | swim speed, dive depth, dive time, surface interval, bottom duration, descent rate, ascent rate |
R_IndividualAnimalId | 7 |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 1 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Swim speed for turtle #7 |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 174843 |
ID_CommonName | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ScientificName | Dermochelys coriacea |
ID_BehState | Internesting interval |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | Adult |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | 2.8 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | 0.53 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | 0.56 |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | 0.56 |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | 0.17 |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
7: Data Entry for Entry ID 7
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 7 |
R_KEY | Eckert2002a |
R_BeginLatitude(dd) | 17 |
R_BeginLongitude(dd) | -64 |
R_EndLatitude(dd) | 18 |
R_EndLongitude(dd) | -66 |
R_Topology | bounding box |
R_GeographicArea | Sea |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1993 |
R_MonthStudy | May |
R_CollectionMethod | Ultramarine velocity recorders (Ultramarine Instruments Inc.); Mk3 TDRs (Wildlife Computers); VHF radio transmitters (Telonics Mod 600) |
R_Resolution | 0.005 m/s; 20 s; 2 m |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes: day dives were deeper and longer, with longer surface and bottom durations and faster ascent and descent rates |
R_DiurnalDayNight | |
R_DataPresentation | Tables |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | swim speed, dive depth, dive time, surface interval, bottom duration, descent rate, ascent rate |
R_IndividualAnimalId | 5 (day) |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 1 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Swim & dive data for turtle #5 (day) |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 174843 |
ID_CommonName | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ScientificName | Dermochelys coriacea |
ID_BehState | Internesting interval |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | Adult |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 490 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | 111.6 |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 79.7 |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | 1362 |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 672 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 408 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | 438 |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 174 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 120 |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | 9.4 |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | 0.28 |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | 2.6 |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | 24.8 |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | 0.71 |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | 2 |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | 9996 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 252 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 480 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
8: Data Entry for Entry ID 8
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 8 |
R_KEY | Eckert2002a |
R_BeginLatitude(dd) | 17 |
R_BeginLongitude(dd) | -64 |
R_EndLatitude(dd) | 18 |
R_EndLongitude(dd) | -66 |
R_Topology | bounding box |
R_GeographicArea | Sea |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1993 |
R_MonthStudy | May |
R_CollectionMethod | Ultramarine velocity recorders (Ultramarine Instruments Inc.); Mk3 TDRs (Wildlife Computers); VHF radio transmitters (Telonics Mod 600) |
R_Resolution | 0.005 m/s; 20 s; 2 m |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes: day dives were deeper and longer, with longer surface and bottom durations and faster ascent and descent rates |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 1 |
R_DataPresentation | Tables |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | swim speed, dive depth, dive time, surface interval, bottom duration, descent rate, ascent rate |
R_IndividualAnimalId | 5 (night) |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 1 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Swim & dive data for turtle #5 (night) |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 174843 |
ID_CommonName | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ScientificName | Dermochelys coriacea |
ID_BehState | Internesting interval |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | Adult |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 294 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | 73 |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 58.3 |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | 1398 |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 564 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 402 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | 522 |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 138 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 108 |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | 1.4 |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | 0.35 |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | 0.16 |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | 0.8 |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | 0.36 |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | 0.12 |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | 9996 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 150 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 462 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
9: Data Entry for Entry ID 9
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 9 |
R_KEY | Eckert2002a |
R_BeginLatitude(dd) | 17 |
R_BeginLongitude(dd) | -64 |
R_EndLatitude(dd) | 18 |
R_EndLongitude(dd) | -66 |
R_Topology | bounding box |
R_GeographicArea | Sea |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1993 |
R_MonthStudy | May |
R_CollectionMethod | Ultramarine velocity recorders (Ultramarine Instruments Inc.); Mk3 TDRs (Wildlife Computers); VHF radio transmitters (Telonics Mod 600) |
R_Resolution | 0.005 m/s; 20 s; 2 m |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes: day dives were deeper and longer, with longer surface and bottom durations and faster ascent and descent rates |
R_DiurnalDayNight | |
R_DataPresentation | Tables |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | swim speed, dive depth, dive time, surface interval, bottom duration, descent rate, ascent rate |
R_IndividualAnimalId | 6 (day) |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 1 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Swim & dive data for turtle #6 (day) |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 174843 |
ID_CommonName | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ScientificName | Dermochelys coriacea |
ID_BehState | Internesting interval |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | Adult |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 480 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | 93.7 |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 67.8 |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | 1758 |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 744 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 378 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | 702 |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 228 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 144 |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | 1 |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | 0.35 |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | 0.16 |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | 1 |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | 0.31 |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | 0.12 |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | 17640 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 966 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 1746 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
10: Data Entry for Entry ID 10
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 10 |
R_KEY | Eckert2002a |
R_BeginLatitude(dd) | 17 |
R_BeginLongitude(dd) | -64 |
R_EndLatitude(dd) | 18 |
R_EndLongitude(dd) | -66 |
R_Topology | bounding box |
R_GeographicArea | Sea |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1993 |
R_MonthStudy | May |
R_CollectionMethod | Ultramarine velocity recorders (Ultramarine Instruments Inc.); Mk3 TDRs (Wildlife Computers); VHF radio transmitters (Telonics Mod 600) |
R_Resolution | 0.005 m/s; 20 s; 2 m |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes: day dives were deeper and longer, with longer surface and bottom durations and faster ascent and descent rates |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 1 |
R_DataPresentation | Tables |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | swim speed, dive depth, dive time, surface interval, bottom duration, descent rate, ascent rate |
R_IndividualAnimalId | 6 (night) |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 1 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Swim & dive data for turtle #6 (night) |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 174843 |
ID_CommonName | Leatherback sea turtle |
ID_ScientificName | Dermochelys coriacea |
ID_BehState | Internesting interval |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | Adult |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 184 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | 44.9 |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 38.3 |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | 1722 |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 534 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 438 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | 660 |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 168 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 156 |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | 0.7 |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | 0.27 |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | 0.12 |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | 1.2 |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | 0.26 |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | 0.1 |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | 2382 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 258 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 216 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |