Reference in the Marine Wildlife Behavior Database (MWBD)
V. Lesage, M.O. Hammill, and K.M. Kovacs. 1999. Functional classification of harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) dives using depth profiles, swimming velocity, and an index of foraging success. Canadian Journal of Zoology 77: 74-87.
The number of data entries in the reference: 5
1: Data Entry for Entry ID 48
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 48 |
R_KEY | Lesage1999a |
R_GeographicArea | river |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1996, 1997 |
R_MonthStudy | June, July, August, September |
R_CollectionMethod | Mk6 TDR (Wildlife Computers) |
R_Resolution | 1 m, 0.05 m/s, 5 seconds |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Table |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | No |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | |
R_IndividualAnimalId | |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 11 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Diurnal patterns: Type 1 dives most abundant during twilight; Type 3 dives most abundant in poorest light conditions; Types 4 and 5 peaked in abundance during night; Max depth of Type 5 greater during daylight |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | 30 |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 180649 |
ID_CommonName | Harbor seal |
ID_ScientificName | Phoca vitulina |
ID_BehState | Feeding, foraging, traveling, moving, stationary diving |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | Feeding (38%), foraging (90%), traveling (36%), moving (21%) |
ID_DiveType | Type 1: Deep, long duration, rapid bottom swim speed, not skewed, U-shaped |
ID_DivePercent | 28.2 |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Both (5 males, 3 females) |
ID_Age | years: 1 (n=5), 8 (n=1), 10 (n=2) years |
ID_AgeClass | |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | Data for dive type 1 |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 19.6 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 5.8 |
DD_Comments | The DiveDepthStdDev is associated with the maximum depth |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 135.7 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 37.5 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 92.5 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 34 |
DT_Comments | Bottom time/duration = 0.67 +/- 0.15 |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | 2.16 |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | 0.62 |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | 1 |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | 0.47 |
BB_Comments | BottomSpeedMean is the median swim speed (bottom) |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | 1.20 |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | 0.34 |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | 1.25 |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | 0.38 |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | 63.6 |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | 29.8 |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | 70.0 |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | 27.8 |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 42.6 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 23.5 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
2: Data Entry for Entry ID 49
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 49 |
R_KEY | Lesage1999a |
R_GeographicArea | river |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1996, 1997 |
R_MonthStudy | June, July, August, September |
R_CollectionMethod | Mk6 TDR (Wildlife Computers) |
R_Resolution | 1 m, 0.05 m/s, 5 seconds |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Table |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | No |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | |
R_IndividualAnimalId | |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 11 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Diurnal patterns: Type 1 dives most abundant during twilight; Type 3 dives most abundant in poorest light conditions; Types 4 and 5 peaked in abundance during night; Max depth of Type 5 greater during daylight |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | 30 |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 180649 |
ID_CommonName | Harbor seal |
ID_ScientificName | Phoca vitulina |
ID_BehState | Feeding, foraging, traveling, moving, stationary diving |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | Feeding (11%), foraging (2%), traveling (20%), moving (16%), stationary diving (42%) |
ID_DiveType | Type 2: Shallow, short duration, variable speed during short bottom, not skewed, V-shaped |
ID_DivePercent | 12.8 |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Both (5 males, 3 females) |
ID_Age | years: 1 (n=5), 8 (n=1), 10 (n=2) years |
ID_AgeClass | |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | Data for dive type 2 |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 5.8 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 2.8 |
DD_Comments | The DiveDepthStdDev is associated with the maximum depth |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 40.1 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 29.8 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 5.5 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 6.8 |
DT_Comments | Bottom time/duration = 0.15 +/- 0.17 |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | 0.88 |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | 0.71 |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | 0.47 |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | 0.56 |
BB_Comments | BottomSpeedMean is the median swim speed (bottom) |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | 0.71 |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | 0.46 |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | 0.76 |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | 0.47 |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | 59.8 |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | 34.4 |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | 59.0 |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | 33.6 |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 43.8 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 60.7 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
3: Data Entry for Entry ID 50
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 50 |
R_KEY | Lesage1999a |
R_GeographicArea | river |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1996, 1997 |
R_MonthStudy | June, July, August, September |
R_CollectionMethod | Mk6 TDR (Wildlife Computers) |
R_Resolution | 1 m, 0.05 m/s, 5 seconds |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Table |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | No |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | |
R_IndividualAnimalId | |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 11 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Diurnal patterns: Type 1 dives most abundant during twilight; Type 3 dives most abundant in poorest light conditions; Types 4 and 5 peaked in abundance during night; Max depth of Type 5 greater during daylight |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | 30 |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 180649 |
ID_CommonName | Harbor seal |
ID_ScientificName | Phoca vitulina |
ID_BehState | Feeding, foraging, traveling, moving, stationary diving |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | Feeding (37%), foraging (2%), traveling (36%), moving (21%), stationary diving (42%) |
ID_DiveType | Type 3: Shallow, long duration, rapid bottom swim speed, slow rate of descent, U-shaped |
ID_DivePercent | 21.6 |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Both (5 males, 3 females) |
ID_Age | years: 1 (n=5), 8 (n=1), 10 (n=2) years |
ID_AgeClass | |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | Data for dive type 3 |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 7.8 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 2.7 |
DD_Comments | The DiveDepthStdDev is associated with the maximum depth |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 122.4 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 50.9 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 85.8 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 51 |
DT_Comments | Bottom time/duration = 0.67 +/- 0.22 |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | 1.87 |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | 0.57 |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | 1.21 |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | 0.44 |
BB_Comments | BottomSpeedMean is the median swim speed (bottom) |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | 1.14 |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | 0.46 |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | 1.20 |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | 0.51 |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | 32.1 |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | 28.9 |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | 48.0 |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | 29.3 |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 40.2 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 31.0 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
4: Data Entry for Entry ID 51
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 51 |
R_KEY | Lesage1999a |
R_GeographicArea | river |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1996, 1997 |
R_MonthStudy | June, July, August, September |
R_CollectionMethod | Mk6 TDR (Wildlife Computers) |
R_Resolution | 1 m, 0.05 m/s, 5 seconds |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Table |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | No |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | |
R_IndividualAnimalId | |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 11 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Diurnal patterns: Type 1 dives most abundant during twilight; Type 3 dives most abundant in poorest light conditions; Types 4 and 5 peaked in abundance during night; Max depth of Type 5 greater during daylight |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | 30 |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 180649 |
ID_CommonName | Harbor seal |
ID_ScientificName | Phoca vitulina |
ID_BehState | Feeding, foraging, traveling, moving, stationary diving |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | Feeding (4%), foraging (2%), traveling (8%), moving (26%), stationary diving (6%) |
ID_DiveType | Type 4: Shallow, long duration, intermediate bottom swim speed, slow rate of ascent, U-shaped |
ID_DivePercent | 23.1 |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Both (5 males, 3 females) |
ID_Age | years: 1 (n=5), 8 (n=1), 10 (n=2) years |
ID_AgeClass | |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | Data for dive type 4 |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 7.9 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 2.7 |
DD_Comments | The DiveDepthStdDev is associated with the maximum depth |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 142.3 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 52.9 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 93 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 48.9 |
DT_Comments | Bottom time/duration = 0.64 +/- 0.20 |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | 1.28 |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | 0.5 |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | 0.68 |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | 0.4 |
BB_Comments | BottomSpeedMean is the median swim speed (bottom) |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | 0.74 |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | 0.41 |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | 0.85 |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | 0.33 |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | 64.0 |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | 28.6 |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | 31.2 |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | 26.8 |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 38.6 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 34.8 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |
5: Data Entry for Entry ID 52
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 52 |
R_KEY | Lesage1999a |
R_GeographicArea | river |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1996, 1997 |
R_MonthStudy | June, July, August, September |
R_CollectionMethod | Mk6 TDR (Wildlife Computers) |
R_Resolution | 1 m, 0.05 m/s, 5 seconds |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | Yes |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | Yes |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Table |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | No |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | |
R_IndividualAnimalId | |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 11 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Diurnal patterns: Type 1 dives most abundant during twilight; Type 3 dives most abundant in poorest light conditions; Types 4 and 5 peaked in abundance during night; Max depth of Type 5 greater during daylight |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | 30 |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 180649 |
ID_CommonName | Harbor seal |
ID_ScientificName | Phoca vitulina |
ID_BehState | Feeding, foraging, traveling, moving, stationary diving |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | Feeding (10%), foraging (4%), traveling (0%), moving (6%), stationary diving (10%) |
ID_DiveType | Type 5: Deep, long duration, slow bottom swim speed, not skewed, U-shaped |
ID_DivePercent | 14.4 |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Both (5 males, 3 females) |
ID_Age | years: 1 (n=5), 8 (n=1), 10 (n=2) years |
ID_AgeClass | |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | |
ID_Comments | Data for dive type 5 |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 12.2 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 7.2 |
DD_Comments | The DiveDepthStdDev is associated with the maximum depth |
DT_MinTime(sec) | |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 167.9 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 80.1 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | 126.6 |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | 83.6 |
DT_Comments | Bottom time/duration = 0.72 +/- 0.18 |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | 0.78 |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | 0.65 |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | 0.15 |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | 0.25 |
BB_Comments | BottomSpeedMean is the median swim speed (bottom) |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | 0.80 |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | 0.34 |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | 0.74 |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | 0.36 |
DS_Comments | |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | 71.8 |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | 27.4 |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | 75.9 |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | 24.1 |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 44.8 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 31.9 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |