Reference in the Marine Wildlife Behavior Database (MWBD)
S. Otani, Y. Naito, A. Kato, A. Kawamura. 2000. Diving behavior and swimming speed of a free-ranging harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoean. Marine Mammal Science 16(4): 811-814.
The number of data entries in the reference: 1
1: Data Entry for Entry ID 24
Show empty attributes | |
Attribute | Value |
ID | 24 |
R_KEY | Otani2000a |
R_GeographicArea | Bay |
R_WaterDepth(m) | |
R_YearStudy | 1997 |
R_MonthStudy | July |
R_CollectionMethod | micro data logger UWE-200PDT (includes propeller and depth sensor) developed by National Institute of Polar Research and Little Leonardo Co., Tokyo |
R_Resolution | 1 sec. intervals; depth: 0.05 m resolution, 0.5 m absolute accuracy; speed: 0.04 m/s resolution, 0.5 m/s absolute accuracy |
R_DiurnalPatternTested | No |
R_DiurnalPatternDetected | No |
R_DiurnalDayNight | 2 |
R_DataPresentation | Table |
R_DataIndividualAnimals | Yes |
R_FieldsIndividualAnimals | dive depth, dive time, dive speed, surfacing speed, surface time, dive angle, surfacing angle |
R_IndividualAnimalId | 94-2 |
R_IndividualsGrouped | 1 |
R_RawDataAvailable | No |
R_Comments | Lat/lon value refers to release point |
ID_ModelingGroupGuild | 14 |
ID_ITIS_TSN | 180473 |
ID_CommonName | Harbor porpoise |
ID_ScientificName | Phocoean phocoena |
ID_BehState | |
ID_ProbabilityBehState | |
ID_DiveType | |
ID_DivePercent | |
ID_AnimalDiveFeature | |
ID_WhereFeature | |
ID_Sex | Female |
ID_Age | |
ID_AgeClass | |
ID_>1Animal | No |
ID_GroupComp(sex;age;size) | Female;NA;1 |
ID_Comments | 2,878 dives over 22.8 h continuous recording |
DD_MinDiveDepth(m) | 0.6 |
DD_MaxDiveDepth(m) | 64.7 |
DD_MeanDiveDepth(m) | 3.8 |
DD_MedianDiveDepth(m) | 1.1 |
DD_ModeDiveDepth(m) | |
DD_GammaDistAlpha | |
DD_GammaDistBeta | |
DD_DiveDepthStdDev | 6.8 |
DD_Comments | |
DT_MinTime(sec) | 2 |
DT_MaxTime(sec) | 193 |
DT_MeanTime(sec) | 26.2 |
DT_MedianTime(sec) | 10 |
DT_ModeTime(sec) | |
DT_GammaDistAlpha | |
DT_GammaDistBeta | |
DT_DurationStdDev | 31 |
DT_BottomTimeMin(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMax(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMean(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMedian(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeMode(sec) | |
DT_BottomTimeStdDev | |
DT_Comments | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMin(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMax(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMean(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMedian(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorMode(m) | |
BB_DepthOffSeafloorStdDev | |
BB_WiggleCount | |
BB_WiggleDistMin(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMax(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMean(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMedian(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistMode(m) | |
BB_WiggleDistStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMax(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMaxStdDev | |
BB_BottomSpeedMean(m/s) | |
BB_BottomSpeedMeanStdDev | |
BB_Comments | |
VR_MinAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeAscentRate(m/s) | |
VR_AscentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_AscentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_AscentRateStdDev | |
VR_MinDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MaxDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MeanDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_MedianDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_ModeDescentRate(m/s) | |
VR_DescentGammaDistAlpha | |
VR_DescentGammaDistBeta | |
VR_DescentRateStdDev | |
VR_Comments | |
DS_MinSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | 4.1 |
DS_MeanSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | 0.9 |
DS_MedianSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | 0.9 |
DS_ModeSurfacingSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_SurfacingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_SurfacingSpeedStdDev | 0.3 |
DS_MinDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_MaxDiveSpeed(m/s) | 4.3 |
DS_MeanDiveSpeed(m/s) | 0.8 |
DS_MedianDiveSpeed(m/s) | 0.8 |
DS_ModeDiveSpeed(m/s) | |
DS_DivingGammaDistAlpha | |
DS_DivingGammaDistBeta | |
DS_DiveSpeedStdDev | 0.3 |
DS_Comments | micro data logger had propeller |
DA_MinDiveAngle(deg) | 1 |
DA_MaxDiveAngle(deg) | 85 |
DA_MeanDiveAngle(deg) | 31 |
DA_MedianDiveAngle(deg) | 29 |
DA_ModeDiveAngle(deg) | |
DA_GammaDistAlpha | |
DA_GammaDistBeta | |
DA_DiveAngleStdDev | 20 |
DA_Comments | |
SA_MinSurfacingAngle(deg) | 1 |
SA_MaxSurfacingAngle(deg) | 52 |
SA_MeanSurfacingAngle(deg) | 17 |
SA_MedianSurfacingAngle(deg) | 15 |
SA_ModeSurfacingAngle(deg) | |
SA_GammaDistAlpha | |
SA_GammaDistBeta | |
SA_SurfacingAngleStdDev | 10 |
SA_Comments | |
SB_DepthSurfaceDive(m) | |
SB_DurationSurfaceDive(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwSurfaceDives(sec) | |
SB_NumberBlows | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMin(sec) | 1 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMax(sec) | 133 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMean(sec) | 3.9 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMedian(sec) | 2 |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesMode(sec) | |
SB_SurfaceTimeBtwTrueDivesStdDev | 7.2 |
SB_Comments | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeAtSeaStdDev | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMin(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMax(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMean(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMedian(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandMode(days) | |
TSL_TimeOnLandStdDev | |
TSL_Comments | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMin(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMax(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMean(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMedian(m/s) | |
M_OverallTravelSpeedMode(m/s) | |
M_GammaDistAlpha | |
M_GammaDistBeta | |
M_OverallSwimSpeedStdDev | |
M_Residency | |
M_HeadingVariance(deg/min) | |
M_AversionAttractions | |
M_Comments |