MAR-ECO 2004 - Mammals and birds
Thomas de Lange Wenneck, Institute of Marine Research Norwegian Marine Data Centre (IMR)

Summary of download requests

Number of users / requestsUsersRequests
Types requested AllPartial All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All".
Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial".
A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest.
Years 20242023
Formats requested Types requested  
Gridded summary Type 1a (dist_taxa)7
Gridded summary Type 1b (dist_taxa_h3)0
Gridded summary Type 2a (dist_sp)143
Gridded summary Type 2b (dist_sp_h3)7
diversity indexes (diversity)0
Observations based on criteria (points)26
All observations of species (whole_species)230
All observations in dataset (whole_dataset)0
  • Gridded summary Type 1 (dist_taxa): Sightings of all species are aggregated at 1/0.1/0.01 degree resolution. Users gets the number of species and records per grid cell.
    a: Rectangular grids; b: Hexagonal grids
  • Gridded summary Type 2 (dist_sp): Sightings of each species are aggregated at 1/0.1/0.01 degree resolution. Users gets the number of records of the species in question per grid cell.
    a: Rectangular grids; b: Hexagonal grids
  • All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All". Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial". A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest.

Download request details

Prev 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  Next
No.Date requestedTypes requestedFormat#recordsAlong with...Species includedRequest ID
12024-09-05whole_speciescsv14List of datasetsList of species66d90bef6bf2b_20240904_215510
22024-09-03dist_spkml35List of datasetsList of species66d762c51ec57_20240903_153605
32024-08-28whole_speciescsv28List of datasetsList of species66cee05b8be55_20240828_043953
42024-08-28whole_speciescsv28List of datasetsList of species66cee05b8be55_20240828_043944
52024-08-27whole_speciescsv5List of datasetsList of species66cd8772b4c00_20240827_043340
62024-08-15dist_spcsv12List of datasetsList of species66be7481e2527_20240815_173625
72024-08-12dist_taxakml209List of datasetsList of species66b99e9d7e0e0_20240812_013449
82024-08-12whole_speciescsv14List of datasetsList of species66ba89753270a_20240812_181650
92024-08-12whole_speciesshapefile1List of datasetsList of species66ba7c014b683_20240812_172148
102024-08-12whole_speciesshapefile1List of datasetsList of species66ba7c014b683_20240812_172149
112024-08-12whole_speciesshapefile1List of datasetsList of species66ba7c014b683_20240812_172151
122024-08-12whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species66ba7c014b683_20240812_172147
132024-08-12whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species66ba84d53a660_20240812_175554
142024-08-12whole_speciesshapefile55List of datasetsList of species66ba8288e0c70_20240812_174641
152024-08-09whole_specieskml14List of datasetsList of species66b69499e8d4a_20240809_182248
162024-08-09whole_speciescsv14List of datasetsList of species66b69499e8d4a_20240809_183124
172024-08-09whole_speciesgdb14List of datasetsList of species66b69499e8d4a_20240809_182208
182024-08-09whole_speciescsv14List of datasetsList of species66b69499e8d4a_20240809_182202
192024-08-09whole_speciesgdb14List of datasetsList of species66b69499e8d4a_20240809_182945
202024-07-26dist_spcsv2List of datasetsList of species66a39caef3247_20240726_085948
212024-07-26dist_spcsv2List of datasetsList of species66a3afea3df4e_20240726_102441
222024-07-24whole_specieskml2List of datasetsList of species66a0fd1c41d31_20240724_094100
232024-07-24whole_speciescsv89List of datasetsList of species66a0f49153ea4_20240724_085429
242024-07-24whole_speciescsv89List of datasetsList of species66a0f49153ea4_20240724_085443
252024-07-23dist_spcsv2List of datasetsList of species669fadd866cb0_20240723_092444
262024-07-23dist_spcsv2List of datasetsList of species669ff2cb37f27_20240723_142003
272024-07-20dist_spshapefile49List of datasetsList of species669bb1519eea6_20240720_084636
282024-07-20dist_spshapefile1List of datasetsList of species669badf95b893_20240720_083912
292024-07-20dist_spshapefile1List of datasetsList of species669bac6e08177_20240720_082559
302024-07-20dist_spshapefile805List of datasetsList of species669ba8178ff38_20240720_081026
312024-07-15whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species6694ab77035f5_20240715_010414
322024-07-14whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species66935578c168c_20240714_005047
332024-07-12dist_spcsv2List of datasetsList of species6691994f63150_20240712_170226
342024-07-11whole_speciescsv55List of datasetsList of species668ec95ce235b_20240711_074113
352024-07-11whole_speciescsv55List of datasetsList of species668ec95ce235b_20240711_074041
362024-07-08whole_speciescsv15List of datasetsList of species668bbdaa8432c_20240708_123210
372024-07-04whole_speciescsv49List of datasetsList of species6686056217e51_20240703_221649
382024-07-04dist_spcsv2List of datasetsList of species6685fbae6c2c5_20240703_213531
392024-06-28whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species667e74ca1566d_20240628_044448
402024-06-28whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species667ec4d8d4c0b_20240628_101800
412024-06-21dist_spkml1List of datasetsList of species66754eab461f7_20240621_060044
422024-06-20dist_spcsv2List of datasetsList of species667470cf7759a_20240620_143014
432024-06-20pointskml2List of datasetsList of species6673e58cb1b8d_20240620_043109
442024-06-20pointskml2List of datasetsList of species6673e58cb1b8d_20240620_043124
452024-06-13dist_spcsv18List of datasetsList of species666b1260a4007_20240613_114104
462024-06-13dist_spcsv18List of datasetsList of species666b1260a4007_20240613_114109
472024-06-12whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species666a0f70b19d3_20240612_171912
482024-06-11dist_spcsv7List of datasetsList of species666811a72837c_20240611_053113
492024-06-11dist_spcsv7List of datasetsList of species666811a72837c_20240611_053125
502024-06-10dist_spshapefile7List of datasetsList of species6667087b684d6_20240610_101429
List of datasets


  • The summary of the download requests may not be accurate as the download functionality of the OBIS-SEAMAP mapping tools have been advancing and it is hard to put together old download requests with newer ones.
  • The number of users may be overcounted or undercounted as we didn't collect the information of user identification in early years of OBIS-SEAMAP and the IP addresses are used as a proxy to user identity for old requests.
  • Other issues that may result in inaccuracy is:
    • a user may try downloading data with slightly different criteria for the same project/purpose.
    • a user may download data a couple of times over time to include the latest observations.
    • a user may download data with more coarse criteria and then filter the downloaded data more for specific needs (e.g. download global sightings of a species and then filter them with a study area).
    • a user may download data just for a test purpose.
    • For KML format, a user may visualize the data using Google Earth but did not use them for his/her scientific work.
  • The data type of "diversity indexes" was added in July 2016.
  • Although we have started collecting details of a request (i.e. user's name, prospectus) since Nov 2013, we do not disclose the details unless the user gives us consent. If you want to know more details on the request, please contact us with the Request ID ready. We will try connecting you with the user in question.