AFTT Cape Hatteras Aerial Survey -Right side- 2014
University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Summary of download requests

Number of users / requestsUsersRequests
Types requested AllPartial All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All".
Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial".
A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest.
Years 20242023
Formats requested Types requested  
Gridded summary Type 1a (dist_taxa)9
Gridded summary Type 1b (dist_taxa_h3)0
Gridded summary Type 2a (dist_sp)120
Gridded summary Type 2b (dist_sp_h3)3
diversity indexes (diversity)1
Observations based on criteria (points)34
All observations of species (whole_species)185
All observations in dataset (whole_dataset)0
  • Gridded summary Type 1 (dist_taxa): Sightings of all species are aggregated at 1/0.1/0.01 degree resolution. Users gets the number of species and records per grid cell.
    a: Rectangular grids; b: Hexagonal grids
  • Gridded summary Type 2 (dist_sp): Sightings of each species are aggregated at 1/0.1/0.01 degree resolution. Users gets the number of records of the species in question per grid cell.
    a: Rectangular grids; b: Hexagonal grids
  • All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All". Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial". A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest.

Download request details

Prev 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  Next
No.Date requestedTypes requestedFormat#recordsAlong with...Species includedRequest ID
1012023-12-20whole_speciescsv30List of datasetsList of species65835d6c771af_20231220_163516
1022023-12-18whole_speciescsv3List of datasetsList of species6580ab6742c43_20231218_165639
1032023-12-13dist_spshapefile19List of datasetsList of species65792fb41d0ac_20231212_231936
1042023-12-11whole_speciesgdb1List of datasetsList of species6576f220b7bab_20231211_063256
1052023-12-11dist_spshapefile1List of datasetsList of species6576f220b7bab_20231211_064235
1062023-12-11whole_specieskml1List of datasetsList of species6576f220b7bab_20231211_063301
1072023-12-11pointskml18List of datasetsList of species657730b3ddc8f_20231211_105847
1082023-12-11pointskml18List of datasetsList of species657730b3ddc8f_20231211_105852
1092023-12-11dist_spcsv17List of datasetsList of species657734837caca_20231211_111557
1102023-12-11dist_spshapefile17List of datasetsList of species657734837caca_20231211_111543
1112023-12-07whole_speciesgdb1List of datasetsList of species657184f18a971_20231207_034424
1122023-12-07whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species657184f18a971_20231207_034419
1132023-12-01whole_speciesgdb2List of datasetsList of species656a0c1c08b29_20231201_120516
1142023-12-01whole_speciesgdb2List of datasetsList of species656a0c1c08b29_20231201_120514
1152023-12-01whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species656a0c1c08b29_20231201_115223
1162023-11-30whole_speciescsv16List of datasetsList of species6568a429080c8_20231130_100844
1172023-11-30whole_speciescsv16List of datasetsList of species6568a429080c8_20231130_100839
1182023-11-27whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species65641ff05116a_20231126_235016
1192023-11-22dist_spcsv21List of datasetsList of species655e0a628afd7_20231122_091158
1202023-11-17whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species6557f2d113ae8_20231117_181548
1212023-11-17whole_speciesgdb16List of datasetsList of species6556c53de4240_20231116_204742
1222023-11-07whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species654a38a1cf3e1_20231107_100252
1232023-11-07whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species654a38a1cf3e1_20231107_084438
1242023-11-07whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species654a38a1cf3e1_20231107_094245
1252023-11-01whole_speciesgdb16List of datasetsList of species6541f6ca88563_20231101_030618
1262023-11-01whole_speciescsv16List of datasetsList of species6541f6ca88563_20231101_030406
1272023-11-01whole_speciescsv16List of datasetsList of species6541f6ca88563_20231101_030626
1282023-11-01whole_speciesgdb16List of datasetsList of species6541f6ca88563_20231101_030358
1292023-11-01whole_speciescsv16List of datasetsList of species6541b939577d6_20231031_224034
1302023-11-01whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species654262b438480_20231101_104741
1312023-11-01whole_speciescsv30List of datasetsList of species654262b438480_20231101_104835
1322023-10-18dist_spcsv11List of datasetsList of species65301eed65794_20231018_141452
1332023-10-17whole_specieskml2List of datasetsList of species652e2e3e12c18_20231017_034726
1342023-10-15dist_spcsv10List of datasetsList of species652bd2f5ada0c_20231015_075449
1352023-10-09dist_taxakml81List of datasetsList of species652401c11ab5c_20231009_093933
1362023-10-09whole_speciesgdb16List of datasetsList of species6523acdd46874_20231009_033725
1372023-10-06whole_speciescsv16List of datasetsList of species65200a65a6405_20231006_095159
1382023-10-06whole_speciescsv16List of datasetsList of species65200a65a6405_20231006_094253
1392023-10-02dist_taxakml81List of datasetsList of species651b4bd5e8581_20231002_190217
1402023-09-30whole_speciesgdb16List of datasetsList of species651338d96beac_20230930_175629
1412023-09-30whole_speciesgdb16List of datasetsList of species651338d96beac_20230930_175630
1422023-09-30whole_speciesgdb16List of datasetsList of species651338d96beac_20230930_175620
1432023-09-28whole_speciescsv30List of datasetsList of species65155c663aafc_20230928_070157
1442023-09-28whole_specieskml30List of datasetsList of species65155c663aafc_20230928_070139
1452023-09-28whole_speciescsv3List of datasetsList of species6515341d17743_20230928_091244
1462023-09-25whole_speciescsv3List of datasetsList of species65115c60031bb_20230925_063122
1472023-09-25whole_speciescsv30List of datasetsList of species65118458aca50_20230925_092148
1482023-09-22pointscsv16List of datasetsList of species650d513c46616_20230922_044114
1492023-09-22whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species650d513c46616_20230922_054026
1502023-09-22whole_speciescsv5List of datasetsList of species650d513c46616_20230922_055612
List of datasets


  • The summary of the download requests may not be accurate as the download functionality of the OBIS-SEAMAP mapping tools have been advancing and it is hard to put together old download requests with newer ones.
  • The number of users may be overcounted or undercounted as we didn't collect the information of user identification in early years of OBIS-SEAMAP and the IP addresses are used as a proxy to user identity for old requests.
  • Other issues that may result in inaccuracy is:
    • a user may try downloading data with slightly different criteria for the same project/purpose.
    • a user may download data a couple of times over time to include the latest observations.
    • a user may download data with more coarse criteria and then filter the downloaded data more for specific needs (e.g. download global sightings of a species and then filter them with a study area).
    • a user may download data just for a test purpose.
    • For KML format, a user may visualize the data using Google Earth but did not use them for his/her scientific work.
  • The data type of "diversity indexes" was added in July 2016.
  • Although we have started collecting details of a request (i.e. user's name, prospectus) since Nov 2013, we do not disclose the details unless the user gives us consent. If you want to know more details on the request, please contact us with the Request ID ready. We will try connecting you with the user in question.