Number of users / requests | Users | Requests |
6325 | 31177 |
Types requested | All | Partial | All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All". Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial". A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest. |
8385 | 22792 |
Years | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
315 | 566 | 4279 | 4962 | 3006 | 2112 | 2173 | 1663 | 1733 | 1190 | 1049 | 1835 | 2096 | 2376 | 1300 | 522 |
Formats requested | Types requested | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No. | Date requested | Types requested | Format | #records | Along with... | Species included | Request ID |
26951 | 2012-01-19 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f17e6eb605e7_20120119_44928 |
26952 | 2012-01-19 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f187397d8e4d_20120119_145524 |
26953 | 2012-01-19 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f18327da16b8_20120119_101059 |
26954 | 2012-01-19 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f183172dd605_20120119_100644 |
26955 | 2012-01-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f17702b53c67_20120118_202214 |
26956 | 2012-01-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f171729365d4_20120118_140510 |
26957 | 2012-01-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f1718e05da87_20120118_141031 |
26958 | 2012-01-09 | dist_sp | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f0afd393265c_20120109_104222 |
26959 | 2012-01-09 | dist_sp | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f0afd393265c_20120109_104201 |
26960 | 2012-01-09 | whole_species | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f0afdaf93268_20120109_104209 |
26961 | 2012-01-08 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f09a35fb8cc8_20120108_95809 |
26962 | 2012-01-08 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f0a1c5e72764_20120108_174543 |
26963 | 2012-01-06 | dist_sp | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f0710c94a797_20120106_102019 |
26964 | 2012-01-06 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f0720501cdf5_20120106_112503 |
26965 | 2012-01-06 | dist_sp | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f070e2f616f0_20120106_101732 |
26966 | 2012-01-06 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f070c8a02da9_20120106_100042 |
26967 | 2012-01-06 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f070ef0249db_20120106_101313 |
26968 | 2012-01-06 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f071f25d4172_20120106_112005 |
26969 | 2012-01-06 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f07a9c8d8d4d_20120106_211154 |
26970 | 2012-01-06 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f07433b0d461_20120106_135423 |
26971 | 2012-01-06 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f07430f2fd62_20120106_135334 |
26972 | 2012-01-04 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f04a78b5a090_20120104_142513 |
26973 | 2012-01-04 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f0458c7743b5_20120104_85331 |
26974 | 2012-01-03 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f03205396ea4_20120103_104714 |
26975 | 2012-01-02 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f01d4f1b6763_20120102_111228 |
26976 | 2012-01-02 | whole_dataset | wms | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f01d7d646e3b_20120102_111454 |
26977 | 2012-01-02 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f01d7d646e3b_20120102_111608 |
26978 | 2012-01-02 | whole_dataset | wfs | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f01d7d646e3b_20120102_111539 |
26979 | 2012-01-02 | whole_dataset | wms | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4f01d7d646e3b_20120102_111435 |
26980 | 2011-12-31 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4eff65a66eab2_20111231_144315 |
26981 | 2011-12-31 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4eff64266b5ad_20111231_143652 |
26982 | 2011-12-31 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4eff6512d952e_20111231_144019 |
26983 | 2011-12-31 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4eff656907585_20111231_144147 |
26984 | 2011-12-31 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4eff653f37b72_20111231_144102 |
26985 | 2011-12-31 | dist_sp | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4eff630d57fd1_20111231_143443 |
26986 | 2011-12-28 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb3cc37aa1e_20111228_105932 |
26987 | 2011-12-28 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb3cc37aa1e_20111228_105920 |
26988 | 2011-12-28 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_150812 |
26989 | 2011-12-28 | points | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_152538 |
26990 | 2011-12-28 | points | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_152351 |
26991 | 2011-12-28 | points | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_150945 |
26992 | 2011-12-28 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_150436 |
26993 | 2011-12-28 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_152447 |
26994 | 2011-12-28 | points | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_150508 |
26995 | 2011-12-28 | points | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_150927 |
26996 | 2011-12-28 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_150434 |
26997 | 2011-12-28 | points | wfs | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_151347 |
26998 | 2011-12-28 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_150447 |
26999 | 2011-12-28 | whole_dataset | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efb7641ca70c_20111228_152455 |
27000 | 2011-12-28 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 4efaa64a18fd3_20111228_01708 |