Number of users / requests | Users | Requests |
327 | 839 |
Types requested | All | Partial | All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All". Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial". A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest. |
6 | 833 |
Years | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 |
140 | 348 | 351 |
Formats requested | Types requested | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No. | Date requested | Types requested | Format | #records | Along with... | Species included | Request ID |
151 | 2024-12-05 | whole_species | csv | 18 | List of datasets | List of species | 674dbe368e8c6_20241205_045742 |
152 | 2024-12-05 | whole_species | csv | 34 | List of datasets | List of species | 674dbe368e8c6_20241205_050314 |
153 | 2024-12-05 | dist_sp | shapefile | 101 | List of datasets | List of species | 6751e0c2c8c0b_20241205_122015 |
154 | 2024-12-05 | dist_sp | shapefile | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 6751e0254e04a_20241205_121743 |
155 | 2024-12-04 | dist_sp | csv | 28 | List of datasets | List of species | 674fc24fbe761_20241203_214712 |
156 | 2024-12-04 | dist_sp | csv | 28 | List of datasets | List of species | 674fc24fbe761_20241203_215750 |
157 | 2024-12-03 | whole_species | gdb | 13 | List of datasets | List of species | 674eb599c72b9_20241203_033257 |
158 | 2024-12-03 | whole_species | kml | 13 | List of datasets | List of species | 674eb599c72b9_20241203_050704 |
159 | 2024-12-03 | whole_species | csv | 2 | List of datasets | List of species | 674e95137e09f_20241203_002426 |
160 | 2024-12-03 | dist_sp | shapefile | 5 | List of datasets | List of species | 674f307de8dfa_20241203_113311 |
161 | 2024-12-02 | dist_sp | wfs | 65 | List of datasets | List of species | 674dad6f27a9a_20241202_081541 |
162 | 2024-12-02 | whole_species | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 674d98a5a924c_20241202_062920 |
163 | 2024-12-02 | whole_species | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 674d98a5a924c_20241202_070056 |
164 | 2024-12-02 | dist_sp | wfs | 75 | List of datasets | List of species | 674dad6f27a9a_20241202_084936 |
165 | 2024-12-02 | dist_sp | csv | 65 | List of datasets | List of species | 674dad6f27a9a_20241202_080702 |
166 | 2024-12-02 | dist_sp | csv | 75 | List of datasets | List of species | 674dad6f27a9a_20241202_084316 |
167 | 2024-12-01 | whole_species | csv | 34 | List of datasets | List of species | 674bb337d8dee_20241130_202053 |
168 | 2024-12-01 | whole_species | csv | 34 | List of datasets | List of species | 674bb337d8dee_20241130_201552 |
169 | 2024-11-29 | whole_species | gdb | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 674988b913b20_20241129_043718 |
170 | 2024-11-29 | whole_species | kml | 11 | List of datasets | List of species | 674970c397fe7_20241129_035002 |
171 | 2024-11-29 | whole_species | csv | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 674988b913b20_20241129_043653 |
172 | 2024-11-29 | whole_species | csv | 13 | List of datasets | List of species | 6749987d5bad9_20241129_054737 |
173 | 2024-11-29 | whole_species | kml | 13 | List of datasets | List of species | 674970c397fe7_20241129_040845 |
174 | 2024-11-29 | whole_species | csv | 11 | List of datasets | List of species | 674970c397fe7_20241129_034817 |
175 | 2024-11-29 | whole_species | gdb | 11 | List of datasets | List of species | 674970c397fe7_20241129_034924 |
176 | 2024-11-29 | whole_species | kml | 1 | List of datasets | List of species | 674988b913b20_20241129_043738 |
177 | 2024-11-28 | dist_sp | shapefile | 24 | List of datasets | List of species | 67489c1f88f9a_20241128_114207 |
178 | 2024-11-28 | whole_species | csv | 18 | List of datasets | List of species | 6748702b93ced_20241128_083508 |
179 | 2024-11-28 | whole_species | csv | 34 | List of datasets | List of species | 67486cc6361c4_20241128_082115 |
180 | 2024-11-28 | whole_species | gdb | 18 | List of datasets | List of species | 6748702b93ced_20241128_083517 |
181 | 2024-11-28 | whole_species | kml | 18 | List of datasets | List of species | 6748702b93ced_20241128_083521 |
182 | 2024-11-28 | whole_species | kml | 34 | List of datasets | List of species | 67486cc6361c4_20241128_082317 |
183 | 2024-11-28 | whole_species | gdb | 34 | List of datasets | List of species | 67486cc6361c4_20241128_082211 |
184 | 2024-11-27 | dist_sp | wfs | 13 | List of datasets | List of species | 6746722b33732_20241126_202317 |
185 | 2024-11-27 | whole_species | csv | 17 | List of datasets | List of species | 674677bc6c19e_20241126_205832 |
186 | 2024-11-27 | whole_species | csv | 17 | List of datasets | List of species | 674677bc6c19e_20241126_210341 |
187 | 2024-11-27 | dist_sp | wms | 13 | List of datasets | List of species | 6746722b33732_20241126_202318 |
188 | 2024-11-26 | whole_species | csv | 34 | List of datasets | List of species | 67460dfa89648_20241126_131452 |
189 | 2024-11-26 | dist_sp | kml | 34 | List of datasets | List of species | 67453149c147c_20241125_213730 |
190 | 2024-11-26 | whole_species | csv | 399 | List of datasets | List of species | 674471facd601_20241125_201057 |
191 | 2024-11-26 | dist_sp | csv | 5 | List of datasets | List of species | 67459e965e3cc_20241126_051159 |
192 | 2024-11-25 | whole_species | csv | 9 | List of datasets | List of species | 6743f78f546c1_20241124_230756 |
193 | 2024-11-25 | whole_species | csv | 2 | List of datasets | List of species | 6743f2cdcf950_20241124_225528 |
194 | 2024-11-25 | whole_species | csv | 2 | List of datasets | List of species | 6743f2cdcf950_20241124_230004 |
195 | 2024-11-25 | dist_sp | shapefile | 370 | List of datasets | List of species | 67449330dabfb_20241125_101311 |
196 | 2024-11-24 | dist_sp | shapefile | 76 | List of datasets | List of species | 6742d58f43060_20241124_023056 |
197 | 2024-11-24 | dist_sp | shapefile | 76 | List of datasets | List of species | 6742d58f43060_20241124_023054 |
198 | 2024-11-22 | dist_taxa_h3 | shapefile | 802 | List of datasets | List of species | 674019cf156ce_20241122_004825 |
199 | 2024-11-22 | dist_sp | kml | 76 | List of datasets | List of species | 674045bb4fac6_20241122_035836 |
200 | 2024-11-22 | whole_species | csv | 399 | List of datasets | List of species | 6740aa1f2c7c8_20241122_110500 |