MMS Low Altitude Survey 1980-1983
Minerals Management Service

Summary of download requests

Number of users / requestsUsersRequests
Types requested AllPartial All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All".
Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial".
A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest.
Years 20242023
Formats requested Types requested  
Gridded summary Type 1a (dist_taxa)7
Gridded summary Type 1b (dist_taxa_h3)2
Gridded summary Type 2a (dist_sp)239
Gridded summary Type 2b (dist_sp_h3)11
diversity indexes (diversity)3
Observations based on criteria (points)64
All observations of species (whole_species)404
All observations in dataset (whole_dataset)2
  • Gridded summary Type 1 (dist_taxa): Sightings of all species are aggregated at 1/0.1/0.01 degree resolution. Users gets the number of species and records per grid cell.
    a: Rectangular grids; b: Hexagonal grids
  • Gridded summary Type 2 (dist_sp): Sightings of each species are aggregated at 1/0.1/0.01 degree resolution. Users gets the number of records of the species in question per grid cell.
    a: Rectangular grids; b: Hexagonal grids
  • All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All". Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial". A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest.

Download request details

Prev 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  Next
No.Date requestedTypes requestedFormat#recordsAlong with...Species includedRequest ID
2512024-04-22pointscsv252List of datasetsList of species6626ad8541e0b_20240422_151704
2522024-04-22dist_spcsv218List of datasetsList of species66269fbb82534_20240422_134027
2532024-04-22pointscsv252List of datasetsList of species6626a883f4225_20240422_141715
2542024-04-22pointscsv252List of datasetsList of species6626a883f4225_20240422_141718
2552024-04-22pointscsv252List of datasetsList of species6626ad8541e0b_20240422_143918
2562024-04-22whole_speciescsv11List of datasetsList of species662687d097a87_20240422_115327
2572024-04-15whole_specieskml20List of datasetsList of species661d279ccdb2d_20240415_092030
2582024-04-15whole_specieswfs20List of datasetsList of species661d279ccdb2d_20240415_092121
2592024-04-15whole_specieswfs20List of datasetsList of species661d279ccdb2d_20240415_092311
2602024-04-15whole_specieskml10List of datasetsList of species661d7b9644a9c_20240415_153410
2612024-04-11whole_specieskml10571List of datasetsList of species661829bf7c234_20240411_143655
2622024-04-11whole_specieskml10571List of datasetsList of species661829bf7c234_20240411_143652
2632024-04-11whole_specieskml10571List of datasetsList of species661829bf7c234_20240411_143653
2642024-04-11whole_specieskml10571List of datasetsList of species661829bf7c234_20240411_143647
2652024-04-11dist_spcsv12List of datasetsList of species6618590ebd997_20240411_180006
2662024-04-11dist_spcsv12List of datasetsList of species6618590ebd997_20240411_180009
2672024-04-10whole_speciescsv55List of datasetsList of species6616fea946fab_20240410_171012
2682024-04-10dist_sp_h3shapefile17List of datasetsList of species6616517e96744_20240410_051352
2692024-04-10dist_spshapefile17List of datasetsList of species6616517e96744_20240410_045706
2702024-04-09whole_speciescsv12List of datasetsList of species661563fa5e090_20240409_115637
2712024-04-03dist_spwms4078List of datasetsList of species660d4fa21fcfd_20240403_085211
2722024-04-03dist_spshapefile4078List of datasetsList of species660d4fa21fcfd_20240403_085159
2732024-04-03dist_spkml4078List of datasetsList of species660d4fa21fcfd_20240403_085202
2742024-04-02whole_datasetgdb71448List of datasetsList of species660c5d8795159_20240402_153447
2752024-04-01dist_spcsv12List of datasetsList of species660afc3b67e49_20240401_142634
2762024-04-01whole_speciescsv12List of datasetsList of species660af4717fafe_20240401_135601
2772024-03-25dist_spcsv218List of datasetsList of species6600be442c499_20240324_200906
2782024-03-23dist_spcsv16List of datasetsList of species65fe2a8548570_20240322_211331
2792024-03-23dist_spcsv16List of datasetsList of species65fe2a8548570_20240322_211442
2802024-03-23whole_speciescsv23List of datasetsList of species65fef2b46c187_20240323_113745
2812024-03-23whole_speciescsv23List of datasetsList of species65fef2b46c187_20240323_113709
2822024-03-23whole_speciescsv23List of datasetsList of species65fef2b46c187_20240323_113819
2832024-03-23whole_speciescsv23List of datasetsList of species65fef2b46c187_20240323_113639
2842024-03-23whole_specieskml23List of datasetsList of species65fef2b46c187_20240323_113543
2852024-03-23whole_speciescsv23List of datasetsList of species65fef2b46c187_20240323_113519
2862024-03-23whole_speciescsv23List of datasetsList of species65fef2b46c187_20240323_113524
2872024-03-23whole_speciescsv23List of datasetsList of species65fef2b46c187_20240323_113942
2882024-03-20whole_speciesgdb23List of datasetsList of species65fb074410851_20240320_121807
2892024-03-20dist_spshapefile19List of datasetsList of species65fb0ceb21914_20240320_122411
2902024-03-20dist_spshapefile34List of datasetsList of species65fb0e4102a63_20240320_122807
2912024-03-20dist_spshapefile19List of datasetsList of species65fb074410851_20240320_121843
2922024-03-20dist_spshapefile19List of datasetsList of species65fb074410851_20240320_121841
2932024-03-18whole_specieskml20List of datasetsList of species65f894b820b6a_20240318_152656
2942024-03-13whole_specieskml23List of datasetsList of species65f1df942708b_20240313_132423
2952024-03-13whole_specieskml9List of datasetsList of species65f1df942708b_20240313_133735
2962024-03-13whole_speciescsv9List of datasetsList of species65f1df942708b_20240313_133404
2972024-03-13whole_specieskml12List of datasetsList of species65f1df942708b_20240313_132825
2982024-03-13whole_speciescsv9List of datasetsList of species65f1df942708b_20240313_132740
2992024-03-13whole_specieskml11List of datasetsList of species65f1df942708b_20240313_132610
3002024-03-13whole_speciescsv11List of datasetsList of species65f1df942708b_20240313_132607
List of datasets


  • The summary of the download requests may not be accurate as the download functionality of the OBIS-SEAMAP mapping tools have been advancing and it is hard to put together old download requests with newer ones.
  • The number of users may be overcounted or undercounted as we didn't collect the information of user identification in early years of OBIS-SEAMAP and the IP addresses are used as a proxy to user identity for old requests.
  • Other issues that may result in inaccuracy is:
    • a user may try downloading data with slightly different criteria for the same project/purpose.
    • a user may download data a couple of times over time to include the latest observations.
    • a user may download data with more coarse criteria and then filter the downloaded data more for specific needs (e.g. download global sightings of a species and then filter them with a study area).
    • a user may download data just for a test purpose.
    • For KML format, a user may visualize the data using Google Earth but did not use them for his/her scientific work.
  • The data type of "diversity indexes" was added in July 2016.
  • Although we have started collecting details of a request (i.e. user's name, prospectus) since Nov 2013, we do not disclose the details unless the user gives us consent. If you want to know more details on the request, please contact us with the Request ID ready. We will try connecting you with the user in question.