NEFSC Survey 1997
NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC)

Summary of download requests

Number of users / requestsUsersRequests
Types requested AllPartial All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All".
Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial".
A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest.
Years 202520242023
Formats requested Types requested  
Gridded summary Type 1a (dist_taxa)14
Gridded summary Type 1b (dist_taxa_h3)3
Gridded summary Type 2a (dist_sp)253
Gridded summary Type 2b (dist_sp_h3)14
diversity indexes (diversity)0
Observations based on criteria (points)52
All observations of species (whole_species)441
All observations in dataset (whole_dataset)3
  • Gridded summary Type 1 (dist_taxa): Sightings of all species are aggregated at 1/0.1/0.01 degree resolution. Users gets the number of species and records per grid cell.
    a: Rectangular grids; b: Hexagonal grids
  • Gridded summary Type 2 (dist_sp): Sightings of each species are aggregated at 1/0.1/0.01 degree resolution. Users gets the number of records of the species in question per grid cell.
    a: Rectangular grids; b: Hexagonal grids
  • All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All". Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial". A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest.

Download request details

Prev 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  Next
No.Date requestedTypes requestedFormat#recordsAlong with...Species includedRequest ID
5512023-12-07whole_speciesgdb7List of datasetsList of species657184f18a971_20231207_034424
5522023-12-07whole_speciescsv7List of datasetsList of species657184f18a971_20231207_034419
5532023-12-04whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species656e1a3e2b8ab_20231204_133450
5542023-12-04whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species656e1a3e2b8ab_20231204_133409
5552023-12-04dist_spshapefile1List of datasetsList of species656e3abc8df39_20231204_155045
5562023-11-21whole_speciescsv9List of datasetsList of species655cce465e4d3_20231121_105536
5572023-11-20dist_spcsv1List of datasetsList of species655ad17d8d7dd_20231119_223413
5582023-11-14pointsshapefile2List of datasetsList of species6552d868d5fc9_20231113_211831
5592023-11-14dist_spshapefile1List of datasetsList of species6552d130ed5ca_20231113_204956
5602023-11-14pointsshapefile2List of datasetsList of species6552d868d5fc9_20231113_212239
5612023-11-14pointsshapefile2List of datasetsList of species6552da9997baf_20231113_212645
5622023-11-14whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species6552a4115ad8d_20231113_191612
5632023-11-14whole_specieskml2List of datasetsList of species6552a4115ad8d_20231113_192149
5642023-11-12dist_spshapefile1List of datasetsList of species6551640cb154c_20231112_185043
5652023-11-10whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species654de7a939128_20231110_032100
5662023-11-08whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species654be4796dec3_20231108_145130
5672023-11-08whole_speciesgdb2List of datasetsList of species654be4796dec3_20231108_145146
5682023-11-07whole_speciescsv13List of datasetsList of species654a38a1cf3e1_20231107_084438
5692023-11-07whole_speciescsv13List of datasetsList of species654a38a1cf3e1_20231107_100252
5702023-11-07whole_speciescsv13List of datasetsList of species654a38a1cf3e1_20231107_094245
5712023-11-03whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species654467b979c42_20231102_232643
5722023-11-01whole_speciescsv3List of datasetsList of species654262b438480_20231101_104835
5732023-11-01whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species654262b438480_20231101_104954
5742023-11-01whole_speciescsv13List of datasetsList of species654262b438480_20231101_104741
5752023-10-17whole_speciesgdb1List of datasetsList of species652e3e9343c47_20231017_040520
5762023-10-17whole_speciesgdb1List of datasetsList of species652e3e9343c47_20231017_040128
5772023-10-17dist_spkml1List of datasetsList of species652ec37a47b98_20231017_133304
5782023-10-17dist_spshapefile1List of datasetsList of species652ec37a47b98_20231017_133814
5792023-10-17dist_spkml1List of datasetsList of species652ec37a47b98_20231017_133305
5802023-10-11dist_spkml1List of datasetsList of species6526cae9e3c71_20231011_122132
5812023-10-11whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species6526cdcc1530a_20231011_123650
5822023-10-09dist_taxakml44List of datasetsList of species652401c11ab5c_20231009_093933
5832023-10-06whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species65201f1ebd796_20231006_110855
5842023-10-03whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species651c093353916_20231003_094459
5852023-10-02dist_taxakml44List of datasetsList of species651b4bd5e8581_20231002_190217
5862023-09-28whole_specieskml3List of datasetsList of species65155c663aafc_20230928_070139
5872023-09-28whole_speciescsv3List of datasetsList of species65155c663aafc_20230928_070157
5882023-09-28whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species6515539378996_20230928_062506
5892023-09-28whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species6515341d17743_20230928_091244
5902023-09-28whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species651583ef80fa7_20230928_094833
5912023-09-28whole_speciescsv7List of datasetsList of species6515341d17743_20230928_043325
5922023-09-25whole_speciescsv3List of datasetsList of species65118458aca50_20230925_092148
5932023-09-25whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species65115c60031bb_20230925_063122
5942023-09-22whole_speciescsv13List of datasetsList of species650d513c46616_20230922_054026
5952023-09-20whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species650acff4503a2_20230920_070012
5962023-09-20whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species650acff4503a2_20230920_065858
5972023-09-20whole_speciescsv13List of datasetsList of species650acff4503a2_20230920_071330
5982023-09-20whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species650acff4503a2_20230920_070506
5992023-09-19whole_speciesgdb2List of datasetsList of species65097a7ca6fdf_20230919_064858
6002023-09-19whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species65097a7ca6fdf_20230919_064850
List of datasets


  • The summary of the download requests may not be accurate as the download functionality of the OBIS-SEAMAP mapping tools have been advancing and it is hard to put together old download requests with newer ones.
  • The number of users may be overcounted or undercounted as we didn't collect the information of user identification in early years of OBIS-SEAMAP and the IP addresses are used as a proxy to user identity for old requests.
  • Other issues that may result in inaccuracy is:
    • a user may try downloading data with slightly different criteria for the same project/purpose.
    • a user may download data a couple of times over time to include the latest observations.
    • a user may download data with more coarse criteria and then filter the downloaded data more for specific needs (e.g. download global sightings of a species and then filter them with a study area).
    • a user may download data just for a test purpose.
    • For KML format, a user may visualize the data using Google Earth but did not use them for his/her scientific work.
  • The data type of "diversity indexes" was added in July 2016.
  • Although we have started collecting details of a request (i.e. user's name, prospectus) since Nov 2013, we do not disclose the details unless the user gives us consent. If you want to know more details on the request, please contact us with the Request ID ready. We will try connecting you with the user in question.