USWTR JAX Aerial Survey -Right side- 2010-2011
University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Summary of download requests

Number of users / requestsUsersRequests
Types requested AllPartial All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All".
Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial".
A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest.
Years 20242023
Formats requested Types requested  
Gridded summary Type 1a (dist_taxa)10
Gridded summary Type 1b (dist_taxa_h3)2
Gridded summary Type 2a (dist_sp)211
Gridded summary Type 2b (dist_sp_h3)6
diversity indexes (diversity)1
Observations based on criteria (points)43
All observations of species (whole_species)230
All observations in dataset (whole_dataset)8
  • Gridded summary Type 1 (dist_taxa): Sightings of all species are aggregated at 1/0.1/0.01 degree resolution. Users gets the number of species and records per grid cell.
    a: Rectangular grids; b: Hexagonal grids
  • Gridded summary Type 2 (dist_sp): Sightings of each species are aggregated at 1/0.1/0.01 degree resolution. Users gets the number of records of the species in question per grid cell.
    a: Rectangular grids; b: Hexagonal grids
  • All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All". Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial". A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest.

Download request details

Prev 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  Next
No.Date requestedTypes requestedFormat#recordsAlong with...Species includedRequest ID
3012023-09-14dist_taxashapefile78List of datasetsList of species650310cf06029_20230914_133609
3022023-09-14dist_taxashapefile78List of datasetsList of species650310cf06029_20230914_095958
3032023-09-07pointscsv102List of datasetsList of species64f9e81697d39_20230907_113016
3042023-09-06whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species64f8c0a6e1156_20230906_141618
3052023-09-05dist_spcsv4List of datasetsList of species64f73031c1008_20230905_095021
3062023-09-05dist_spkml15List of datasetsList of species64f6ef2564346_20230905_051050
3072023-09-02dist_spkml31List of datasetsList of species64f2e0d28b481_20230902_031946
3082023-09-01whole_speciesgdb1List of datasetsList of species64f1f965b0d75_20230901_104736
3092023-09-01whole_speciesshapefile2List of datasetsList of species64f1f54e36202_20230901_103538
3102023-08-31whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species64f04000548b6_20230831_032758
3112023-08-31whole_speciesgdb1List of datasetsList of species64f04000548b6_20230831_032810
3122023-08-29pointskml64List of datasetsList of species64ee62af81f40_20230829_173437
3132023-08-28dist_spcsv1List of datasetsList of species64eca6af17a0c_20230828_095603
3142023-08-18whole_speciesgdb1List of datasetsList of species64df7ab27f4e9_20230818_100601
3152023-08-18whole_speciesgdb2List of datasetsList of species64df76fedbd23_20230818_095328
3162023-08-18whole_speciesgdb2List of datasetsList of species64df76fedbd23_20230818_095325
3172023-08-16whole_specieskml102List of datasetsList of species64dc9e4525ca4_20230816_060436
3182023-08-15dist_spkml4List of datasetsList of species64dbe041f0e15_20230815_165057
3192023-08-09whole_datasetcsv245List of datasetsList of species64d3e0df3fff0_20230809_145448
3202023-08-07dist_taxakml78List of datasetsList of species64d0fae7ae3a9_20230807_100906
3212023-08-03pointsshapefile1List of datasetsList of species64cbcee6bf0e4_20230803_120815
3222023-08-03pointswfs1List of datasetsList of species64cbcee6bf0e4_20230803_120746
3232023-07-25whole_speciesgdb1List of datasetsList of species64bff6c826c39_20230725_123934
3242023-07-24dist_spcsv2List of datasetsList of species64be6323072a1_20230724_074119
3252023-07-22dist_spcsv2List of datasetsList of species64bc84da45091_20230722_214706
3262023-07-22whole_speciescsv102List of datasetsList of species64bc5378dde3b_20230722_181324
3272023-07-20dist_spkml5List of datasetsList of species64b9c0d816623_20230720_194225
3282023-07-19dist_spcsv6List of datasetsList of species64b84e8828fe3_20230719_170024
3292023-07-14dist_spcsv4List of datasetsList of species64b152ba5f584_20230714_095426
3302023-07-13dist_spcsv87List of datasetsList of species64afafa38456e_20230713_041035
3312023-07-13whole_speciesgdb1List of datasetsList of species64b025cb387f0_20230713_124046
3322023-07-13whole_specieskml1List of datasetsList of species64b025cb387f0_20230713_123626
3332023-07-13whole_speciescsv1List of datasetsList of species64b025cb387f0_20230713_123625
3342023-07-12whole_speciescsv3List of datasetsList of species64ae6ac61a7dc_20230712_050228
3352023-07-12whole_speciescsv3List of datasetsList of species64ae6ac61a7dc_20230712_051012
3362023-07-09whole_speciesgdb1List of datasetsList of species64aa8696427af_20230709_061116
3372023-07-06dist_spshapefile61List of datasetsList of species64a6b4b22b344_20230706_094509
3382023-07-06dist_spshapefile64List of datasetsList of species64a6b4b22b344_20230706_083452
3392023-07-05whole_speciesgdb102List of datasetsList of species64a5a368d013a_20230705_131858
3402023-07-05whole_speciescsv102List of datasetsList of species64a5a368d013a_20230705_131847
3412023-07-04whole_speciescsv102List of datasetsList of species64a427f19fec8_20230704_101551
3422023-06-30whole_speciescsv2List of datasetsList of species649edad6ad1aa_20230630_095523
3432023-06-30dist_taxakml78List of datasetsList of species649e8cefecd92_20230630_040824
3442023-06-23dist_spcsv1List of datasetsList of species64964777b6e76_20230623_214003
3452023-06-19dist_spcsv31List of datasetsList of species64910adfc829a_20230619_221324
3462023-06-19dist_spcsv217List of datasetsList of species6490f3039ea3a_20230619_205403
3472023-06-19pointscsv136List of datasetsList of species648fff25a9a65_20230619_032817
3482023-06-19dist_spshapefile136List of datasetsList of species648fff25a9a65_20230619_031250
3492023-06-19dist_spcsv78List of datasetsList of species6490f3039ea3a_20230619_203450
3502023-06-18whole_speciescsv28List of datasetsList of species648fadfac4c24_20230618_222845
List of datasets


  • The summary of the download requests may not be accurate as the download functionality of the OBIS-SEAMAP mapping tools have been advancing and it is hard to put together old download requests with newer ones.
  • The number of users may be overcounted or undercounted as we didn't collect the information of user identification in early years of OBIS-SEAMAP and the IP addresses are used as a proxy to user identity for old requests.
  • Other issues that may result in inaccuracy is:
    • a user may try downloading data with slightly different criteria for the same project/purpose.
    • a user may download data a couple of times over time to include the latest observations.
    • a user may download data with more coarse criteria and then filter the downloaded data more for specific needs (e.g. download global sightings of a species and then filter them with a study area).
    • a user may download data just for a test purpose.
    • For KML format, a user may visualize the data using Google Earth but did not use them for his/her scientific work.
  • The data type of "diversity indexes" was added in July 2016.
  • Although we have started collecting details of a request (i.e. user's name, prospectus) since Nov 2013, we do not disclose the details unless the user gives us consent. If you want to know more details on the request, please contact us with the Request ID ready. We will try connecting you with the user in question.