Vishnyakova, Karina

Organization Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea
Address (line 1) 89 Frantsuzsky Blvd.
Address (line 2)
City Odesa
Zip 65009
Country Ukraine
Phone +380 955486553
Dataset nameRoleType#recordsDate addedDate updated
Cetacean strandings on the Ukrainian coast of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov since 2018 Primary contact ptobs 542 2021-09-09 2023-01-23
EU-UNDP Project - Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea - Selected Measures (EMBLAS-Plus). Cetaceans (Photo-ID) Primary contact ptobs 351 2020-11-16 2020-12-10
Data on cetacean strandings (1999 - 2014) on the Ukrainian coast of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and adjoining areas Secondary contact ptobs 227 2020-06-29 2021-02-05
Antractic whale observation on a platform of opportunity abroad krill fishing vessel "Dalmor II", April - July 2011. Primary contact ptobs 50 2020-06-29 2021-02-05
Cetacean strandings on the Ukrainian coast of the Black Sea 2017 Primary contact ptobs 169 2019-10-08 2019-11-20
Identification and initial assessment of cetacean groupings in coastal waters of the north-western Black Sea, Ukrainian sector funded by ACCOBAMS 2016-2017 Primary contact ptobs 454 2019-10-08 2019-12-02