Regional monitoring programs for Epibenthos have been performed since 1994 in Sweden. The monitoring is financed by the Swedish county administration boards, Swedish municipalities and Swedish coalitions of water conservation. Recipient control data financed by companies are also included. Sampling is performed by a large number of different institutes and consulting firms. Data from monitoring projects are also included in this dataset. The data is stored in the database SHARK, hosted and maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. The Epibenthos monitoring programs and projects studies hard and soft bottoms from the surface down to 10-20 meters. Data is collected in transects or squares with help of divers. Species abundances are determined directly by the divers or photographs are taken and analyzed later. Data is collected in transects or squares with help of divers. Species abundances are determined directly by the divers or photographs/video are taken and analyzed later. Discipline: Marine biology; Datatype: Epibenthos; Measuring area type: point; Platform class: diver, video, photo; Parameters: # counted, Abundance class, Average shoot length, Bare substrate cover, Boulder cover, Cover, Cover (%), Cover class, Cover class, Cover class filamentous algae, Debris cover, Density in covered area, Depth distribution (max depth), Dry weight, Gravel cover, Hard clay cover, Max shoot length, Min shoot length, No species found., Observed species, Rhizome biomass, Rhizome juice sugar content, Rock cover, Salinity, Sand cover, Shoot biomass, Shoot density, Silt soft clay cover, Species distribution max depth, Species distribution min depth, Stone cover, Substrate specific cover, Temperature, Total cover of all species (%), Unidentified algae cover.
More information about the method is available in Swedish at https://www.havochvatten.se/hav/samordning--fakta/miljoovervakning/miljoovervakningens-programomrade-kust-och-hav/delprogram-vegetationskladda-bottnar.html and https://www.havochvatten.se/hav/samordning--fakta/miljoovervakning/samordning-av-miljoovervakning/regional-miljoovervakning.html