oid | Unique ID number (generated by OBIS-SEAMAP) |
objectid | Unique ID number |
altitudem | The altitude of the observation platform (plane, vessel bridge, etc) above sea level in meters |
bearing | Relative bearing from the platform to the sighting, where the front of the platform is zero degrees. Formats include clock face, degrees, etc. |
beaufortscale | Beaufort sea state (0-12) |
beheventinitfld | The behavior event as it was identified in the field |
calvespercent | Are calves present? Use notes field to indicate number of calves present. |
contract | Funding Source |
countcalves | The number of calves in the sighting |
counttotbest | The best estimate of the number of animals in the sighting |
counttotmax | The highest estimate of the number of animals in the sighting |
counttotmin | The lowest estimate of the number of animals in the sighting |
declangle | The angle from the horizon at which the animal was sighted (aerial surveys only) |
effortobs | Whether the observers were actively looking for animals |
groupid | Identifier for a particular group within a sighting |
headinganimal | Heading of the animal at the time of the initial sighting (in degrees magnetic) |
headingplatmagnetic | Heading of the observation platform relative to magnetic North |
headingplattrue | Heading of the observation platform relative to true North |
latanimal | The calculated latitude of the animal at the initial time of the sighting in degrees |
latplatform | The latitude of the platform in decimal degrees |
legnumber | A unique identifier for the leg associated with the survey |
legtype | The effort status of the platform for that survey leg (e.g., "circling", "transiting", "systematic", etc.) |
longanimal | The calculated longitude of the animal at the initial time of the sighting in degrees |
longplatform | The longitude of the platform in decimal degrees |
observer | The name of the observer who first sighted the animal |
observerleft | Name of the observer on the left (port) side of the platform |
observerright | Name of the observer on the right (starboard) side of the platform |
ocean | The ocean where the survey took place (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, etc.) |
percentcloudcover | Cloud cover as represented by a percentage |
platformded | Indicates if the survey was a dedicated marine mammal survey, or if data was gathered opportunistically from a platform on a different mission |
platformtype | Type of survey platform (e.g., "aerial", "vessel") |
rangecomplex | The Range complex (or complexes) associated with the survey (JAX, SOCAL, Cherry Point, etc.) |
reactioninit | The type of reaction at the initial time of the sighting relative to the observation platform |
reactioninitcount | The general count of animals that initially reacted to the observation platform. May be a number or text (i.e., "whole group") |
reticle | Reticle reading for calculation of sighting distance (vessel only) |
sightability | The ability to see animals at the time of the sighting (poor, moderate, good, excellent) |
sightingdate | The date of the sighting (OBS) |
sightingnotes | Notes field to capture information not covered by existing attributes or other information of interest |
sightingnumber | The sighting number for the particular survey day |
sightingtime | The time of the sighting, adjusted for local time |
spcshauledout | Indicates if a pinniped is hauled out |
spcsnmcom | Common name of the sighted species. Output should be singular (e.g. bottlenose dolphin) |
spcsnmsci | Scientific name of the sighted species |
sp_tsn | Taxonomic Serial Number added by OBIS-SEAMAP |
spcspossresight | Indicates possible resightings. If "Y", then the record should not be included in total numbers, or on maps |
surveycat | The survey category for the survey platform (i.e., LOE [LookOutEffectiveness], USWEX, UNDET, etc) if applicable |
surveydates | The date range of the Survey (e.g., "(2010) Sep 23-28"). The parentheses around the data help with sorting |
surveyid | A survey identifier consisting of data collector, range complex, platform, year, month, and day. (Data Collector/Source)_(Range Complex)_(Platform Type or Details)_(Year)(Month)(Day) (eg. SES_SOCAL_Aerial_20120417) |
surveylink | A survey identifier consisting of the SurveyID and the date (in YYYYMMMDD format) of the sighting (Data Owner/Source)_(Range Complex)_(Platform Type)_(Year)(Month or Range of Months)_(Day of Month) (eg. HDR_SOCAL_Aerial_20120414). Needs to be the same as the SurveyILink for Tracklines. |
surveytype | What type of survey was being followed at the time of the sighting (e.g. line transect, focal follow, etc) |
swell | Swell height |
aspect | Body position relative to the platform |
beaufortclass | Beaufort sea state (0-12) |
beheventinit | The behavior event that was used in subsequent analyses. May include refinements to the field observations. |
beheventnumber | No Description |
binoculars | Were binoculars used to sight the animal? |
birds | Are birds present? |
countfemales | The number of positively identified females in the sighting |
countjuveniles | The number of positively identified juveniles in the sightings |
countmales | The number of positively identified males in the sighting |
countnewborns | The number of positively identified newborns/pups in the sighting |
countvescargo | The number of cargo ships present in the area |
countvesferries | The number of ferries present in the area |
countvesfishing | The number of fishing boats present in the area |
countvesmilitary | The number of military vessels present in the area |
countvesmotoryachts | The number of motor yachts present in the area |
countvessailing | The number of sailboats present in the area |
cue | The sighting cue that initially drew the observers attention |
depth | The depth of the water at sighting location, based on known bathymetry |
dispcohesion | Generally how close are the individuals to one another? |
dispmax | The maximum distance between nearest neighbors within a group (in body lengths) |
dispmin | The minimum distance between nearest neighbors within a group (in body lengths) |
distlateral | The estimated distance (for vessels) to the animal. The calculated distance (for aerial) the animal based on the measured declination angle. Does not acount for curvature of the earth. |
distsight | The radial distance to the animal in meters |
efforttransect | Indicates anytime observers were observing following strict line-transect protocol |
flightofday | The sequential daily flight identifier (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.) |
glare | The overall glare represented textually (e.g., "very little", "much", etc.) at each trackline point |
glareleft | The amount of glare (0-100%) on the left (port) side of the platform. Refers to glare from 0 to 90 degrees, or viewshed for which observer is reponsible. |
glaremaxangle | The angle of the maximum glare relative to magnetic north |
glareminangle | The angle of the minimum glare relative to magnetic north |
glareright | The amount of glare (0-100%) on the right (starboard) side of the platform. Refers to glare from 270-360 degrees, or viewshed for which observer is reponsible. |
latplatformend | The latitude of the observation platform at the end time of the sighting |
longplatformend | The longitude of the observation platform at the end time of the sighting |
observeraft | Name of the observer in the aft position |
observerforward | Name of the observer in the forward position |
pctime | The time stamp from the data recording computer. May be different than the "TimeSighting" due to timezone differences. |
photoframes | The photo frames used for the sighting; or total frames taken |
photos | Were photos taken as part of the sighting? |
platformspeed | Speed of the platform at the time of the sighting |
reactionlater | Identifies whether a reaction occurred as a response to the survey platform after the initial sighting of the group/individual |
reactionlatercount | The number of animals that reacted to the observation platform after the sighting occurred |
recorder | Name of the person recording data |
sightingmulti | Denotes if there are any additional species within a particular sighting (mixed group) |
sightingmultispcs | List the species that are within a mixed group. |
sightingmultispcscount | Number of the species |
sightingmultispcsprcnt | Percentage of a given species present in a mixed spp group |
sightingtimeend | The time at which the sighting was discontinued |
spcsbw | Indicates whether the sighting should be grouped with other beaked whales |
spcscertaintyfinal | The final certainty of the species identity expressed in percentages |
spcscertaintyinit | The initial certainty of the species identified in the field expressed in percentages |
spcscode | Species code used in authentic data (e.g., TTUR=Tursiops truncatus) |
spcsconfidence | Confidence level of the observer that he or she identified species correctly |
spcsnmsciinit | The species in the sighting as it appears in the original data |
subgroups | Were subgroups present during the sightings? |
surveyarea | The general location of the survey (i.e., SouthOfXX, NorthOfYY) |
surveyidreport | The individual ID for the associated survey record from the MSAccess metadata file. |
surveynumber | The survey number for the individual survey, if applicable. |
surveysegmentid | Unique ID for the survey segment associated with the sighting |
surveytypeid | ID associated with the type of survey at the time of the sighting. For instance, if a Focal survey was initiated, there might be a specific ID no. associated with that survey. |
video | Was video taken during the sighting? |
visibility | The estimated distance at which an animal could potentially be sighted |
visibilityleft | Sighting visibility in KM on the left (port) side of the platform |
visibilityright | Sighting visibility in KM on the right (starboard) side of the platform |
waterseason | The general water temperature (e.g., "warm", "cold") during the survey |
weather | The overall weather at each trackline point |
winddirection | Wind direction relative to true north |
windspeed | Wind speed |
geom | Geometry field added by OBIS-SEAMAP |