oid | Unique ID number (generated by OBIS-SEAMAP) |
objectid | Unique ID number |
altitudem | Altitude in meters |
aspect | Aspect (blank) |
bearing | Bearing (L or R or degrees or clock-face) |
beaufortclass | Beaufort class (blank) |
beaufortscale | Beaufort sea scale |
beheventinit | Behavior |
beheventinitfld | Behavior |
beheventnumber | (blank) |
binoculars | (blank) |
birds | Indicate if birds were obseved |
calvespercent | (blank) |
contract | (blank) |
countcalves | The number of calves (may be a text) |
countfemales | Count of females (blank) |
countjuveniles | Count of juveniles (blank) |
countmales | Count of males (blank) |
countnewborns | Count of new borns (blank) |
counttotbest | The best estimate of the group size |
counttotmin | The minimum of the group size |
counttotmax | The maximum of the group size |
countvescargo | Count of cargos (blank) |
countvesferries | Count of ferries (blank) |
countvesfishing | Count of fishing vessels (blank) |
countvesmilitary | Count of miliary vessels (blank) |
countvesmotoryachts | Count of yachts (blank) |
countvessailing | Count of sailing ships (blank) |
cue | Cue of the sighting (blank) |
declangle | Declination angle |
depth | Botom depth in meters (blank) |
dispcohesion | (blank) |
dispmax | definition not provided |
dispmin | definition not provided |
distlateral | Lateral distance to the animal in meters |
distsight | (blank) |
effortobs | Indicate if the observe is on effort |
efforttransect | Indicate if the survey on its transect |
flightofday | Flight of day |
glare | Glare (blank) |
glareleft | Glare at left side (blank) |
glaremaxangle | (blank) |
glareminangle | (blank) |
glareright | Glare at right side (blank) |
groupid | Group ID (blank) |
headinganimal | Heading of the animals in degrees or clock-face |
headingplatform | Heading of the platform |
latanimal | Latitude of the animals in degrees (not available for 2011 data) |
latplatform | Latitude of the platform in degrees |
latplatformend | definition not provided |
legnumber | Leg number (blank) |
legtype | Leg type |
longanimal | Longitude of the animals in degrees (not available for 2011 data) |
longplatform | Longitude of the platform in degrees |
longplatformend | definition not provided |
observer | Initials of bird observer |
observeraft | Observer at aft (blank) |
observerforward | Observer at forward (blank) |
observerleft | Observer on the left side |
observerright | Observer on the right side |
pctime | (blank) |
percentcloudcover | Cloud cover in percentage (blank) |
photoframes | definition not provided |
photos | Indicate if a photo was taken |
platformded | (blank) |
platformheadingmagnetic | (blank) |
platformheadingtrue | (blank) |
platformspeed | Platform speed (blank) |
platformtype | Platform type (always Aerial) |
reactioninit | Initial reaction |
reactioninitcount | Reaction count |
reactionlater | Reaction of the animals later |
reactionlatercount | Later reaction count |
recorder | Recorder name (blank) |
reticle | (blank) |
sightability | (blank) |
sightingdate | Date of the sighting |
sightingmulti | Indicate if multiple species were sighted (blank) |
sightingmultispcs | (blank) |
sightingmultispcscount | (blank) |
sightingmultispcsprcnt | (blank) |
sightingnotes | Notes of the sighting |
sightingnumber | Sighting number (not available for 2011 data) |
sightingtime | Time of the sighting at local time zone |
sightingtimeend | The end time of the sighting |
spcsbw | (blank) |
spcscertaintyfinal | definition not provided |
spcscertaintyinit | definition not provided |
spcscode | Species code |
spcsconfidence | Confidence of the species identification (blank) |
spcshauledout | Species hauled out (blank) |
spcsnmcom | Species common name |
spcsnmsci | Species scientific name |
sp_tsn | Taxonomic Serial Number added by OBIS-SEAMAP |
spcsnmsciinit | (blank) |
spcspossresight | (blank) |
subgroups | (blank) |
surveyarea | Survey area |
surveycat | (blank) |
surveyid | Survey ID |
surveyidreport | definition not provided |
surveylink | definition not provided |
surveynumber | (blank) |
surveytype | Survey type |
surveytypeid | (blank) |
surveysegmentid | definition not provided |
swell | Swell (blank) |
video | Indicate if a video was taken |
visibility | Visibility (blank) |
visibilityleft | Visibility (left side; blank) |
visibilityright | Visibility (right side; blank) |
waterseason | definition not provided |
weather | Weather (blank) |
winddirection | Wind direction (blank) |
windspeed | Wind speed (blank) |
ocean | Ocean (always Pacific) |
region | Region (always SOCAL) |
range_complex | Range complex |
survey_platform | Survey platform (always Aerial) |
survey_category | (blank) |
dedicated_survey_platform | Indifate id this was a dedicated survey (always Y) |
dates_of_survey | Dates of survey |
geom | Geometry field added by OBIS-SEAMAP |