Happywhale - Blue whale in North Pacific Ocean


Dataset credit

Happywhale and contributors


Primary contact Ted Cheeseman Happywhale
Data entry Ei Fujioka Duke University


Happywhale. 2024. Happywhale - Blue whale in North Pacific Ocean. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP (http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/1758) on yyyy-mm-dd and originated from Happywhale.com.


Happywhale.com is a resource to help you know whales as individuals, and to benefit conservation science with rich data about individual whales.



Supplemental information

Sightings and images were submitted to Happywhale by contributors. A portion of the Happywhale data were transferred to OBIS-SEAMAP upon the agreement between Happywhale and OBIS-SEAMAP.

There may be duplicate records among Happywhale datasets and other OBIS-SEAMAP datasets. The precision of date/time vary per record. Some records have date accuracy up to year only.

This dataset includes sightings and photos from the following 275 contributors in alphabetic order:

AAB; Adam Ernster; Addison Barrette; Aidan Sites; Alana Flores; Alethea Leddy; Alexander Gustaveson; Alex Cobb; Alicia Del Toro; Alisa Schulman-Janiger (California Killer Whale Project); Allan Figot; Allie Smith; Amanda Urena; Amy Houghton; Amy Paoli; Andre estevez; Andrew Peacock; Angelika Ludwiczak; ANGEL SOLE; Anna Levin; Annette McCall; Arthur Levitt; Ashley Schenkel; Ben Hagler; Benida Solow; Berit Solstad; Beth Bodner; Bill Tucker; Bobbie Hedges; brad decker; Brett Banditelli; Brian Gibbs; Capt. Alexander Legaspi; Capt Nicholas robbins; Cara Gallagher; Carla Mitroff; Carolyn Radlinger; Cathy Beard; Cecilia Ruiz; chelsea bradley; Chelsea LaFever; Chelsea Mayer; Chris Biertuempfel; Chris Plumberg; Christian Harvey; Christina; Christy Covington; Claire Savage; Dale Frink; Dale Koch; Dane McDermott; Daniel Bianchetta; Daniel Cayton; Daniel Genuth; Dave Cade; David Beeninga; David Dodds; David Dovalina; david platner; Deana Glenz; Delaney Trowbridge; Diana Price; Dina Corrales; Donna Hendricks; Donovan Dearmin; Douglas Croft; Edward Rooks; Elaine Strong; ElaineT; Eli Griffin; Elwood Marshall; Emma Keen; Era Horton; Eric Angel Ramos; Erica Sackrison; Eric Austin Yee; Eric Cameron; Eric G Horvath; Erik Combs; Erin Theis; Ernst Schneidereit; Evelin Breuers; Ferd Bergholz; Fernando Martín Velazco; Flip Nicklin; Floyd Hayes; Frances Barker; Frank Blache; Frank Rotter; Gail Johnson Worth; Gail Koza; Gary Brandreth; George Feil; Glenn White; Gordon Gates; Graham Cottee; Heidi Wallin; Hillary White; Hongming Zheng; Hugo Navarro; Ina Tompkins; isabella stallard; Isidore Szczepaniak - †; Jackie Correia; James F C Hyde IV; James Montavon; James Moskito; James Whittaker; Jamie Howe; Jane Mayer; Jared Milrad; Jay Ailworth; Jay Spring; Jean-Louis Delezenne; Jenna McKune; Jeremiah Lewis; Jeremy Thomas; jerome; Jessica Roame; Jill Matyuch; Jill Niederberger; Joachim Bertrands; Joanne M Abramson; Joel Barrett; Joel W Goldstein; Joe Meuleman; Jonathan Rigby; Joshua Meza-Fidalgo; Joyce Fowler; Juan Morales; Judith Denkinger; Julian Clark; June Burlingame Smith; Kara Hall; Kate Cummings; Kate Pennington; Kate Spencer; Kathryn Waters; Kátia Silva; Katrina Johnson; Kavish Choksey; Kimberly Nesbitt; Kim Crisp; Kim Powell; Kourtney Burger; KrisClifford; Kristine Erickson; Kristin Powers; Kyle Gallagher; Kyle Hargrave; Kyle Sato; Laura Lopez; Laura Santillan; Lauren Tschirhart; Layla; Lesley Terry; Lila; Lisa Nielson; Lorri Gong; Lory Barra; Lotti Keenan; Madelaine Krehm; Mallory Emerson; Margaret Burks; Maria Laura Marcias; Marilia Olio; Marilyn Tebbe; Mark Chappell; Mark Girardeau; Mark Harris; Mark OBrien; Marusa Zerjal; Mason Donny; Matthew Liivoja; Matt Jackson; Matt Swinden; Maureen Lare; Megan Carrow; Mella Re; Michaela Mark; Michael Baker; Michael Fishbach; Michael Nelson; Michael Pierson; Michelle McCune, DVM; Mike Justa; Miranda Williams; Moira Yip; Molly Batts; Monterey Bay Whale Watch; Morten Aagaard; MS Fridtjof Nansen; Muhammad Mahmudur Rahman; Naresh Satyan; Nath; Nathan Kelley; Nico Heyning; Nicole Tatum; Nina Moysi; Odette Ibarra; Pamela L Stahlak; Patricia VanOver Indictor; Patrick Wieler; Pedro Jesus Dominguez Mendez; Peter Bedrossian; Philip Lee; Philip Precey; Rachel Hark; Rebecca Malkewicz; Regina Domingo Esgleas; Renato Limberte; Rhys Watkin; Rick Beauregard; R.J. Adams; Robert Horne; Robert Perry; Robin Froman; Robin Lowe; Robyn Case; Roger Bryenton; Roger Worden; Rohit Sridhar; Romy hello; Ron Charbonneau; Rose Franklin; Ryan Lawler; Saipavitra Murali Manohar; Saleha Hoffman; Sandra Caldwell; Sara Blue Putman; Sara Franson; Sarah Bohn; Sarah Jensen; Sara Rodriguez; Sault Photography; Saxon Frazier; Sean Neilson; Seth Segal; Shannon Montague; Sheri Cohen; Shunsuke Shoji; Siobhan O'Neill; stephen mcdonogh; steve; Steven Gregory; Steve OToole; Steve Woodward; Susanne; Susanne Meyer; Swish; Sydney Minges; Tara Pinley; Taylor Snooks; Ted Cheeseman; Terry Keller; Thais Dib Frias; The Marine Mammal Center; Thomas Alcorn; Tiffany Page; Tim Bray; Tim Gannon; Tim Huntington; Tomoko Shimotomai; Tracie M. Sugo; Tracy Larson; Trinitie Seeber; Tye Jeske; Valentine Chassagnon; Valérie Stekke; Veronika Doppelreiter; Walt McBride; Warren_G_Asher; Whale Watch Cabo; Xavier Torres; Zack Hill




This section explains attributes included in the original dataset. OBIS-SEAMAP restricts the attributes available to the public to date/time, lat/lon and species names/counts only. Should you need other attributes described here, you are encouraged to contact the data provider.

Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
All attributes are included in the downloadable file (CSV or ESRI File Geodatabase) for "Complete Set of Dataset".

Attributes in dataset

Attribute (table column)Description
oidInternal ID
typeAlways 'Event'
modifiedLast modified
languageLanguage. Always 'en'
institution_codeInstitution code. Always 'Happywhale'
basis_of_recordBasis of record. Always 'HumanObservation'
occurrence_idOccurrence ID assigned by Happywhale
catalog_numberCatalog number. A link to Happywhale
recorded_byPerson or organization who recorded the data
individual_countNumber of animal. Always 1
sexGender of the animal if known
preparationsMethod of data collection. Always 'photograph'
occurrence_remarksOccurrence remarks
organism_idOrganism/animal ID assigned by Happywhale
organism_nameOrganism/animal name by provider
organism_remarksOrganism remarks
event_idEvent ID assigned by Happywhale
event_dateDate the picture was taken
event_timeTime the picture was taken in local time zone
higher_geographyOcean the animal was seen
water_bodyDetails of ocean
localityLocation of ocean
verbatim_localityLocation of ocean described by the provider
decimal_latitudeLatitude in decimal degrees
decimal_longitudeLongitude in decimal degrees
geodetic_datumGeodetic datum. Always 'EPSG:4326 WGS84'
coordinate_precisionCoordinate precision
scientific_nameScientific name
taxon_rankTaxon rank
vernacular_nameCommon name
licenseLicense for picture
rights_holderRights holder
external_resourceLink to the picture (mid size)
external_resource_thumbLink to the picture (small size)
Marine mammals1,309
Sea turtles0
Rays and sharks0
Other species0
Non spatial0
Non species0
Date, Begin1996-03-09
Date, End2024-08-04
Temporal prec.111111
Latitude0.58 - 58.37
Longitude-134.67 - -89.25
Coord. prec.6 decimal digits
Data typePhoto ID
Traveled (km)0
Contr. throughHappywhale
Sharing policy CC-BY-NC (All)
Shared with GBIF (via DOI)
See metadata in static HTML
See metadata in FGDC XML
See download history / statistics