oid | Unique ID number (generated by OBIS-SEAMAP) |
objectid | Object ID |
altitudem | Altitude in meters (blank) |
areakm2 | Area in km2 (blank) |
aspectslope | Aspect slope (blank) |
animalspeed | Animal speed (blank) |
bearing | Bearing (blank) |
bearingabs | Absolute bearing (blank) |
behavior | Behavior (blank) |
behaviorevent | Behavior event (blank) |
beaufortscale | Beaufort sea scale |
beaufortscaleleft | Beaufort sea scale at left side (blank) |
beaufortscaleright | Beaufort sea scale at right side (blank) |
biopsy | Flag whether biopsy was sampled (blank) |
birds | Flag whether birds were observed (blank) |
calvespresent | Flag whether calves were present (blank) |
countcalves | Number of calves (blank) |
countfemales | Number of femals (blank) |
countjuveniles | Number of juvelines (blank) |
countmales | Number of males (blank) |
countnewborns | Number of new borns (blank) |
counttotbest | Best estimate of number of animals |
counttotmax | Maximum estimate of number of animals (blank) |
counttotmin | Minimum estimate of number of animals (blank) |
countvescargo | Number of cargo vessels (blank) |
countvesferries | Number of ferries (blank) |
countvesfishing | Number of fishing vessels (blank) |
countvesmilitary | Number of military vessels (blank) |
countvesmotoryachts | Number of yachts (blank) |
countvessailing | Number of sailing vessels (blank) |
countvesother | Number of other vessels (blank) |
cue | Sighingt cue (blank) |
datetime | Date and time of the sighting at local time zone |
depth | Depth (blank) |
depthsounding | definition not provided |
dispmax | definition not provided |
dispmin | definition not provided |
distsight | Distance to sighting (blank) |
distsightperp | Perpendicular distance to sighting (blank) |
effortstatus | Effort status (ON/OFF) |
flightofday | Flight days (blank) |
glare | Glare (blank) |
glareleft | Glare at left side (blank) |
glareright | Glare at right side (blank) |
groupid | Group ID (blank) |
headinganimal | Heading of animals (blank) |
headingplatmagnetic | definition not provided |
headingplattrue | definition not provided |
horizsun | definition not provided |
latanimal | Latitude of animals (blank) |
latplatform | Latitude of the platform |
legid | Leg ID (blank) |
legnotes | Leg notes (blank) |
legnumber | Leg number (blank) |
linearity | Linearity |
longanimal | Longitude of animals (blank) |
longplatform | Longitude of the platform |
mitigation | Mitigation (blank) |
mitigationtype | Mitigation type (blank) |
navydirectedleg | definition not provided |
observer | The observer who first sighted the animal (blank) |
observeraft | The observer aft |
observercenter | The observer center |
observerforward | The observer forward |
observerleft | The observer left |
observerright | The observer right |
observerrearleft | The observer rear left |
observerrearright | The observer rear right |
ocean | Ocean (always Pacific) |
opticstype | Optic type (blank) |
ordnance | definition not provided |
percentcloudcover | Cloud cover in percent (blank) |
percentcloudcoverleft | Cloud cover at left side in percent (blank) |
percentcloudcoverright | Cloud cover at right side in percent (blank) |
photoframes | definition not provided |
photographer | Photographer (blank) |
photos | Flag whether photos were taken (Y or N) |
pic | definition not provided |
platformded | definition not provided |
platformmodel | definition not provided |
platformspeed | Platform speed (blank) |
platformtype | Platform type (always Vessel) |
rangecomplex | Range complex (always HRC) |
reactioninit | Initial reaction (blank) |
reactioninitcount | definition not provided |
reactionlater | Reaction later (blank) |
reactionlatercount | definition not provided |
recorder | Recorder (blank) |
recorderfocal | definition not provided |
reorientationrate | definition not provided |
resolution | definition not provided |
shoredist | Distance to shore (blank) |
sic | definition not provided |
sightingdetectionsensor | definition not provided |
sightingendloe | definition not provided |
sightingmethod | Sighting method (blank) |
sightingmulti | definition not provided |
sightingnotes | Sighting notes |
sightingnumber | Sighting Number |
sightingrelmovement | definition not provided |
sightingtimeend | End time of sighting (blank) |
sightingtrialloe | definition not provided |
slope | Slope (blank) |
sonar | definition not provided |
spcscode | Species code by provider |
spcsconfidence | definition not provided |
spcshauledout | definition not provided |
spcsitis | ITIS Taxonomic serial number |
spcsnmcom | Common name |
spcsnmsci | Scientific name |
surveyid | Survey ID |
surveypoint | Survey point (blank) |
surveytype | Survey type |
swell | Swell (blank) |
swelldirection | Swell direction |
tagging | Flag whether tagging was done |
taggingnotes | Tagging notes |
taggingtagnumber | Tag number |
taggingtagtype | Tag type |
theoconvhorz | definition not provided |
theoconvvert | definition not provided |
theorawhorz | definition not provided |
theorawvert | definition not provided |
vertangleorreticle | Vertical angle or reticle (blank) |
vertsun | definition not provided |
vesselsize | Vessel size (blank) |
vesseltype | Vessel type (blank) |
video | definition not provided |
videographer | Videographer (blank) |
visibility | Visibility (blank) |
visibilityleft | Visibility at left side (blank) |
visibilityright | Visibility at right side (blank) |
waveheight | Wave height (blank) |
winddirection | Wind direction (blank) |
windspeed | Wind speed (blank) |
geom | Geometry field added by OBIS-SEAMAP |