MIRC Shore-Based Surveys March 2015

HDR Environmental, Operations and Construction, Inc.

Dataset credit

The U.S. Navy Marine Species Monitoring Program


Primary contact Kristen Ampela HDR Environmental, Operations and Construction, Inc.
Secondary contact Cathy Bacon HDR Environmental, Operations and Construction, Inc.
Data entry Ei Fujioka Duke University



Data in this dataset represent animal sightings recorded during a 10-day shore-based marine mammal survey in the Mariana Islands. Observations were conducted from two separate vantage points, both located on Andersen Air Force Base on the northeast coast of Guam. Survey dates were 3-12 Mar 2015. Work was performed under HDR task order KB23 (IDIQ contract award N62470-10-D-3011, NAVFAC LANT).



Supplemental information

Survey station locations are available as a static layer.

One sighting of Melon-headed whale on 2015-03-12 13:36:50 (144.993618, 13.459862) was far from the shore stations and deleted by OBIS-SEAMAP.




This section explains attributes included in the original dataset. OBIS-SEAMAP restricts the attributes available to the public to date/time, lat/lon and species names/counts only. Should you need other attributes described here, you are encouraged to contact the data provider.

Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
All attributes are included in the downloadable file (CSV or ESRI File Geodatabase) for "Complete Set of Dataset".

Attributes in dataset

Attribute (table column)Description
oidUnique ID number (generated by OBIS-SEAMAP)
objectidObject ID
altitudemAltitude of survey station in meters
areakm2Area in km2 (blank)
aspectslopeAspect slope (blank)
animalspeedAnimal speed (blank)
bearingabsAbsolute bearing (blank)
behaviorBehavior (blank)
behavioreventBehavior event (blank)
beaufortscaleBeaufort sea scale
beaufortscaleleftBeaufort sea scale at left side
beaufortscalerightBeaufort sea scale at right side
biopsyFlag whether biopsy was sampled (blank)
birdsFlag whether birds were observed
calvespresentFlag whether calves were present (blank)
countcalvesNumber of calves
countfemalesNumber of femals (blank)
countjuvenilesNumber of juvelines (blank)
countmalesNumber of males (blank)
countnewbornsNumber of new borns (blank)
counttotbestBest estimate of number of animals
counttotmaxMaximum estimate of number of animals
counttotminMinimum estimate of number of animals
countvescargoNumber of cargo vessels (blank)
countvesferriesNumber of ferries (blank)
countvesfishingNumber of fishing vessels (blank)
countvesmilitaryNumber of military vessels (blank)
countvesmotoryachtsNumber of yachts (blank)
countvessailingNumber of sailing vessels (blank)
countvesotherNumber of other vessels (blank)
cueSighingt cue
datetimeDate and time of the sighting at local time zone
depthsoundingdefinition not provided
dispmaxdefinition not provided
dispmindefinition not provided
distsightDistance to sighting (blank)
distsightperpPerpendicular distance to sighting (blank)
effortstatusEffort status (ON/OFF)
flightofdayFlight days (blank)
glareleftGlare at left side
glarerightGlare at right side
groupidGroup ID (blank)
headinganimalHeading of animals (blank)
headingplatmagneticdefinition not provided
headingplattruedefinition not provided
horizsundefinition not provided
latanimalLatitude of animals in decimal degrees
latplatformLatitude of the platform (blank)
legidLeg ID (blank)
legnotesLeg notes (blank)
legnumberLeg number (blank)
linearityLinearity (blank)
longanimalLongitude of animals in decimal degrees
longplatformLongitude of the platform (blank)
mitigationMitigation (blank)
mitigationtypeMitigation type (blank)
navydirectedlegdefinition not provided
observerThe observer who first sighted the animal
observeraftThe observer aft (blank)
observercenterThe observer center (blank)
observerforwardThe observer forward (blank)
observerleftThe observer left
observerrightThe observer right
observerrearleftThe observer rear left
observerrearrightThe observer rear right
oceanOcean (always Pacific)
opticstypeOptic type
ordnancedefinition not provided
percentcloudcoverCloud cover in percent
percentcloudcoverleftCloud cover at left side in percent (blank)
percentcloudcoverrightCloud cover at right side in percent (blank)
photoframesPhoto frame ID
photosFlag whether photos were taken (Y or N)
picdefinition not provided
platformdeddefinition not provided
platformmodelPlatform model (blank)
platformspeedPlatform speed (blank)
platformtypePlatform type (always ShoreStation)
rangecomplexRange complex (always MIRC)
reactioninitInitial reaction (blank)
reactioninitcountdefinition not provided
reactionlaterReaction later (blank)
reactionlatercountdefinition not provided
recorderfocaldefinition not provided
reorientationratedefinition not provided
resolutiondefinition not provided
shoredistDistance to shore
sicdefinition not provided
sightingdetectionsensordefinition not provided
sightingendloedefinition not provided
sightingmethodSighting method (blank)
sightingmultidefinition not provided
sightingnotesSighting notes
sightingnumberSighting Number
sightingrelmovementdefinition not provided
sightingtimeendEnd time of sighting (blank)
sightingtrialloedefinition not provided
slopeSlope (blank)
sonardefinition not provided
spcscodeSpecies code by provider
spcsconfidencedefinition not provided
spcshauledoutdefinition not provided
spcsitisITIS Taxonomic serial number
spcsnmcomCommon name
spcsnmsciScientific name
surveyidSurvey ID
surveypointSurvey point (blank)
surveytypeSurvey type
swellSwell (blank)
swelldirectionSwell direction (blank)
taggingdefinition not provided
theoconvhorzdefinition not provided
theoconvvertdefinition not provided
vertangleorreticleVertical angle or recticle
vertsundefinition not provided
vesselsizedefinition not provided
vesseltypedefinition not provided
videographerdefinition not provided
visibilityVisibility code
visibilityleftVisibility code left
visibilityrightVisibility code right
waveheightWave height (blank)
winddirectionWind direction (blank)
windspeedWind speed (blank)
geomGeometry field added by OBIS-SEAMAP
Marine mammals6
Sea turtles19
Rays and sharks0
Other species5
Non spatial0
Non species1
Date, Begin2015-03-03
Date, End2015-03-12
Temporal prec.111111
Latitude13.46 - 13.61
Longitude144.94 - 144.99
Coord. prec.6 decimal digits
Data typeAnimal sighting
Traveled (km)0
Contr. throughNavy
Sharing policy CC-BY (All)
Shared with OBIS
GBIF (via DOI)
See metadata in static HTML
See metadata in FGDC XML
See download history / statistics