oid | Unique ID number (generated by OBIS-SEAMAP) |
order_ | Chronological order of sightings |
index | Original index |
gpsindex | GPS index |
gpstime | GPS time of sighting (UTC) |
sightingno | Sighting number during the survey |
datetime_utc | Date and time of sighting (UTC) |
platform | Platform (A-frame or deck) |
buttonref | Reference number for sighting |
magbearing | Magnetic bearing to sighting |
angle | Relative bearing to sighting |
anglesource | Angle source (magnetic or relative) |
radial | Radial (relative) bearing to sighting |
estdistance | Estimated distance to the animals sighted |
reticles | Binocular reticles to sighting (if used) |
species_name | Species name |
species | Species code by provider |
species2 | Species code of second species in a mixed group |
confidence | Confidence of species ID |
cue | Initial cue for the sighting |
minno | Minimum number of animals |
maxno | Maximum number of animals |
adults | Number of adults in group (if identifiable) |
juveniles | Number of juveniles in group (if identifiable) |
calves | Number of calves in group (if identifiable) |
birds | Birds associated with sighting (Y/N) |
seenby | Seen by (observer initials) |
sightingeffort | Effort status for sighting (dedicated or incidental) |
orientation | Aspect of animal(s) when first seen (relative to vessel) |
heading | Heading of animal(s) when first seen (relative to vessel) |
behaviour1 | Behaviour code 1 (if any) |
behaviour2 | Behaviour code 2 (if any) |
behaviour3 | Behaviour code 3 (if any) |
notes | Notes |
latitude | Latitude in decimal degrees |
longitude | Longitude in decimal degrees |
sotw_heading | Heading of vessel (true degrees) |
sotw_heading_true | Error code for heading |
sotw_speed | Speed over ground of vessel (knots) |
enginerevs | Engine revs (rpm) |
windspeed | Wind speed (knots) |
winddirection | Wind direction (degrees) |
windside | Wind measurement (true or relative) |
temperature | Sea surface temperature |
depth | Water depth |
seastate | Sea state |
waveheight | Wave height (m) |
swell | Swell (m) |
weather | Weather code |
cloudcover | Cloud cover (out of 10) |
visibility | Visibility (1=poor, 3=good) |
pressure | Pressure (mb) |
intensity | Glare intensity (0=none, 2=severe) |
glarestart | Start angle of any glare (degrees relative to vessel) |
glarestop | Stop angle of any glare (degrees relative to vessel) |
sailstart | Start angle of any sails (degrees relative to vessel) |
sailstop | Stop angle of any sails (degrees relative to vessel) |
sp_tsn | Taxonomic Serial Number added by OBIS-SEAMAP |
datetime | Date and time of the sighting at local time zone |
obs_count | best estimate of number of animals |
geom | Geometry field added by OBIS-SEAMAP |