Study of young rehabilitated harbour seal in the north of France


Dataset credit

Data provider
Asso Chene
Originating data center
Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT)
Project partner
This study was enable because of the financial help of Haute-Normandie region, Seine-Maritime departement, french government with Haute-Normandie DIREN, and ExxonMobil.

La réalisation de cette étude a été rendue possible grâce au soutien fincancier de la région Haute-Nornmandie, le département de Seine-Maritime, le gouvernement français au travers de la DIREN Haute-Normandie et ExxonMobile


Primary contact Christine Blaize Asso Chene
Data entry Michael Coyne



The main purpose of this study is to know how a rehabilitated harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) reintegrates his natural habitat.
CHENE is a rehabilitated center for all wildlife. Each year, we take care of harbors, useally young ones, coming from beach in the north of France (from Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel to Dunkerque). Generally these youngs arrive because of the separation from the mother just before weaning or because they cannot find sufficient food for their energy requierements just after it weaning. Others arrive because of injuries or deseases.
It is important to know what happene for these animals after release.
This study provides us information about their movement patterns and their behaviour. The tag gives us different kind of data : dive depths, dive durations and haultout.

L'objectif principal de cette étude est de connaître le devenir des phoques veaux-marins (Phoca vitulina) soignés, une fois de retour dans leur mileu naturel.
Le CHENE est un centre de sauvagarde de la faune sauvage. Chaque année nous accueillons des phoques, souvent des jeunes, provenant des plages de la côte nord de la France (de la Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel à Dunkerque).La pluspart du temps, les jeunes que nous accueillons arrivent au centre à cause d'une séparation prématurée d'avec la mère, avant le sevrage, ou à cause de difficultés à s'alimenter juste après le sevrage. Certains arrivent également suite à des contusions ou des maladies.

Il est important pour nous de savoir ce que deviennent ces animaux après leur lâcher. Cette étude nous apporte des informations sur leurs déplacements et aussi sur leur comportement. Les balises enregistrent différentes informations : profondeur et durée des plongées et le temps passé au sec.



Supplemental information

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Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
Only minimum required attributes are visible and downloadable online. Other attributes may be obtained upon provider's permission.

Attributes in dataset

Attribute (table column)Description
prognumProgram number
tag_idPTT ID
lcLocation class
iqQuality indicator
dir1Dir 1
nb_mesNumber of messages received
big_nb_mesdefinition not provided
best_levelBest signal strength in dB
pass_durationPass duration in seconds
nopcNumber Of Plausibility Checks successful (from 0-4)
calcul_freqCalculated frequency
altitudeAltitude used for location calculation
speciesSpecies name
project_idSTAT Project ID
lc_filterParameters to location filtering
speed_filterParameters to speed filtering
distance_filterParameters to distance filtering
topo_filterParameters to topo filtering
time_filterParameters to time filtering
angle_filterParameters to angle filtering
life_stageLife stage of the animal
genderGender of the animal
wetdryWet or dry
wetdry_filterParameters to Wet or dry filterint
obs_datetimeDate and time (local time zone)
timezone_hTime difference from UTC
Marine mammals2,354
Sea turtles0
Rays and sharks0
Other species0
Non spatial0
Non species0
Date, Begin2005-10-28
Date, End2009-01-12
Temporal prec.111111
Latitude45.87 - 51.31
Longitude-8.47 - 2.57
Coord. prec.3 decimal digits
Data typeTelemetry location
TracklinesYES (ID: 450)
Traveled (km)20,944
Travel hours19,529
Contr. throughSatellite Tracking and Analysis Tool
Sharing policy Permission required
Shared with SWOT
GBIF (via DOI)*
* Aggregated summary
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