Satellite Tracking of Hawksbill Turtle in West Sumbawa, Indonesia

WWF Indonesia

Dataset credit

Data provider
Udayana University - WWF Joint Program
Originating data center
Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT)


Primary contact I Ratha Udayana University - WWF Joint Program
Data entry Michael Coyne



The beaches along the coast of South-West Sumbawa, historically had been known as significant nesting sites for at least three species of marine turtles, namely the Green turtle, Hawksbill, and the Olive Ridley turtle. Despite of the beauty and the intactness of the coastal areas, all species of turtle populations have undergone a dramatic decline due to massive eggs collection for local consumption. In the past, this area was also one of the traditional catching sites for turtle hunters who eventually sold them for Bali market.

This post-nesting turtle migration study is conducted by WWF Indonesia and WWF Denmark in collaboration with the Regional Nature Conservation Agency of West Nusa Tenggara and PT NNT (a mining company operates in this area), to raise awareness among the local community, local government, as well as private sectors in the area. The awareness is not only necessary to reverse the declining trend of turtle population, but also to turtle�s resilience to the effects of climate change and give them the best possible chance of survival into the future by means of encouraging the locals to protect their known nesting and foraging habitats.

This project is part of a larger program build within the Coral Triangle Region to determine the migration routes of turtle population that is vital for establishing a network of turtle protected area.



Supplemental information

Visit STAT's project page for additional information.




This section explains attributes included in the original dataset. OBIS-SEAMAP restricts the attributes available to the public to date/time, lat/lon and species names/counts only. Should you need other attributes described here, you are encouraged to contact the data provider.

Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
Only minimum required attributes are visible and downloadable online. Other attributes may be obtained upon provider's permission.

Attributes in dataset

Attribute (table column)Description
prognumProgram number
tag_idPTT ID
lcLocation class
iqQuality indicator
dir1Dir 1
nb_mesNumber of messages received
big_nb_mesdefinition not provided
best_levelBest signal strength in dB
pass_durationPass duration in seconds
nopcNumber Of Plausibility Checks successful (from 0-4)
calcul_freqCalculated frequency
altitudeAltitude used for location calculation
speciesSpecies name
project_idSTAT Project ID
lc_filterParameters to location filtering
speed_filterParameters to speed filtering
distance_filterParameters to distance filtering
topo_filterParameters to topo filtering
time_filterParameters to time filtering
angle_filterParameters to angle filtering
life_stageLife stage of the animal
genderGender of the animal
wetdryWet or dry
wetdry_filterParameters to Wet or dry filterint
obs_datetimeDate and time (local time zone)
timezone_hTime difference from UTC
Marine mammals0
Sea turtles202
Rays and sharks0
Other species0
Non spatial0
Non species0
Date, Begin2007-12-27
Date, End2008-06-12
Temporal prec.111111
Latitude-10.00 - -8.33
Longitude115.44 - 117.79
Coord. prec.3 decimal digits
Data typeTelemetry location
TracklinesYES (ID: 454)
Traveled (km)2,940
Travel hours4,051
Contr. throughSatellite Tracking and Analysis Tool
Sharing policy Permission required
Shared with SWOT
GBIF (via DOI)*
* Aggregated summary
See metadata in static HTML
See metadata in FGDC XML
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