BOEM Sperm Whale Seismic Study (SWSS) S-Tag cetacean sightings 2002-2004
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Dataset credit
Texas A&M University Oregon State University Scripps Institution of Oceanography Texas A&M University-Galveston University of Colorado University of Durham University of Saint Andrews University of South Florida Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Role | Name | Organization | |
Primary contact |
Deborah Epperson |
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement |
Data entry |
Ei Fujioka |
Duke University |
Epperson, D. 2013. BOEM Sperm Whale Seismic Study (SWSS) S-Tag cetacean sightings 2002-2004. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP ( on yyyy-mm-dd. Halpin, P.N., A.J. Read, E. Fujioka, B.D. Best, B. Donnelly, L.J. Hazen, C. Kot, K. Urian, E. LaBrecque, A. Dimatteo, J. Cleary, C. Good, L.B. Crowder, and K.D. Hyrenbach. 2009. OBIS-SEAMAP: The world data center for marine mammal, sea bird, and sea turtle distributions. Oceanography. 22(2):104-115.
Sperm Whale Seismic Study (SWSS) was a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary research project supported by the then Minerals Management Service (MMS; now Bureau of Ocean Energy Management - BOEM) under Cooperative Agreement 1435-01-02-CA-85186 for Cooperative Research on Sperm Whales and their Response to Seismic Exploration in the Gulf of Mexico through the Texas A&M Research
Foundation.The objectives of SWSS were to (1) establish baseline information on the biology and behavior of sperm whales in the northern Gulf of Mexico, (2) characterize sperm whale habitat use in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and (3) determine possible changes in behavior of sperm whales when subjected to manmade noise, particularly from seismic airgun arrays used for offshore oil and gas exploration and geological monitoring.
Supplemental information
Jochens, A., D. Biggs, K. Benoit-Bird, D. Engelhaupt, J. Gordon, C. Hu, N. Jaquet, M. Johnson, R. Leben, B. Mate, P. Miller, J. Ortega-Ortiz, A. Thode, P. Tyack, and B. Würsig. 2008. Sperm whale seismic study in the Gulf of Mexico: Synthesis report. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study MMS 2008-006. 341 pp. Jochens, A., D. Biggs, D. Engelhaupt, J. Gordon, N. Jaquet, M. Johnson, R. Leben, B. Mate, P. Miller, J. Ortega-Ortiz, A. Thode, P. Tyack, J. Wormuth, and B. Würsig. 2006. Sperm whale seismic study in the Gulf of Mexico; Summary Report, 2002-2004. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study MMS 2006-034. 352 pp.
This section explains attributes included in the original dataset.
OBIS-SEAMAP restricts the attributes available to the public to date/time, lat/lon and species names/counts only.
Should you need other attributes described here, you are encouraged to contact the data provider.
Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
All attributes are included in the downloadable file (CSV or ESRI File Geodatabase) for "Complete Set of Dataset".
Attributes in dataset
Attribute (table column) | Description |
oid | Unique ID number (generated by OBIS-SEAMAP) |
row_id | Row ID assigned by OBIS-SEAMAP |
index | Index of rows in the original data table |
gpsindex | Foreign key to GPS data |
obs_datetime | Date and time (local time zone) |
sighting_no | Sighting No |
other_time | Other format of time |
sp_obs | Species code recorded |
sp_tsn | ITIS Taxonomic Serial Number assigned by OBIS-SEAMAP |
cue | Cue |
distance | Distance |
bearing | Bearing (°) |
heading | Heading |
ship_heading | Ship heading |
seen_from | Location of the observer |
seen_by | Initial of the observer |
obs_count | Number of individuals (total of adults, juveniles and calves) |
adults | Number of adults |
juveniles | Number of juvelines |
calves | Number of calves |
birds | code of birds (not actively filled) |
behaviour1 | Behavior code 1 |
behaviour2 | Behavior code 2 |
behaviour3 | Behavior code 3 |
notes | Notes |
end_time | End time |
reticle | Reticle |
latitude | Latitude in decimal degrees |
longitude | Longitude in decimal degrees |
gps_heading | GPS heading |
headingtype | Heading type |
speed | Vessel speed in mph |
speedtype | Speed type |
gpserror | GPS error |
datastatus | Data status |
lat_animal | Latitude of animals |
lon_animal | Longitude of animals |
geom | Geometry field added by OBIS-SEAMAP |
Seabirds | 0 |
Marine mammals | 211 |
Sea turtles | 0 |
Rays and sharks | 0 |
Other species | 0 |
Non spatial | 0 |
Non species | 0 |
Total | 211 |
Date, Begin | 2002-06-20 |
Date, End | 2004-06-12 |
Temporal prec. | 111111 |
Latitude | 26.96 - 29.31 |
Longitude | -94.73 - -86.54 |
Coord. prec. | 6 decimal digits |
Platform | Boat |
Data type | Animal sighting |
Effort | N/A |
if ($show_effort_stat) {
Traveled (km) | 0 |
| 0 |
if ($sources != null and $sources != "" and $dataset_id != 427) { // Do not show ESAS
Contr. through | |
Registered | 2013-03-20 |
Updated | 2013-03-29 |
Status | Published |
Sharing policy |
CC-BY (All) |
Shared with |
GBIF (via DOI) |
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