Sightings for Airborne Mine Neutralization System Aerial Monitoring in the NSWC PCD Study Area from October 2011, 2012

HDR Environmental, Operations and Construction, Inc.

Dataset credit

The U.S. Navy Marine Species Monitoring Program


Primary contact Jennifer Latusek-Nabholz HDR Environmental, Operations and Construction, Inc.
Data entry Ei Fujioka Duke University


Latusek-Nabholz, J. 2013. Sightings for Airborne Mine Neutralization System Aerial Monitoring in the NSWC PCD Study Area from October 2011, 2012. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP ( on yyyy-mm-dd.


Two aerial marine species monitoring survey events occurred during 19 through 22 October 2011 and 07 through 16 October 2012 for an Airborne Mine Neutralization System (AMNS) live-inert explosive research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) event. These surveys were conducted off the west coast of Florida in
the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) Study Area in the
Gulf of Mexico (GOM). The AMNS is a mine countermeasures device that includes an
explosive charge.


U.S. Navy protected marine species monitoring during AMNS explosives test event

Supplemental information

References will be available when they are ready.




This section explains attributes included in the original dataset. OBIS-SEAMAP restricts the attributes available to the public to date/time, lat/lon and species names/counts only. Should you need other attributes described here, you are encouraged to contact the data provider.

Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
All attributes are included in the downloadable file (CSV or ESRI File Geodatabase) for "Complete Set of Dataset".

Attributes in dataset

Attribute (table column)Description
oiddefinition not provided
sighting_noSighting No
eventEvent (pre-event, during event or post-event)
obs_dateDate of the sighting (local time zone)
sp_obsSpecies code recorded
sp_tsnTaxonomic Serial Number added by OBIS-SEAMAP
obs_countbest estimate of number of animals
grp_highHigh estimate of number of animals
grp_lowLow estimate of number of animals
calvesNumber of calves
obs_timeTime of the sighting (local time zone)
stop_timeStop time of the sighting
beaufortBeaufort Sea State
latitudeLatitude in decimal degrees
longitudeLongitude in decimal degrees
vert_angleVertical angle
distance_orgDistance off Track in original text format
distanceDistance off Track (km)
bottom_depthBottom Depth (m) estimated by mapped figures. (not a precise estimate)
behaviorBehavioral summary
geomdefinition not provided
Marine mammals13
Sea turtles27
Rays and sharks0
Other species0
Non spatial0
Non species0
Date, Begin2011-10-21
Date, End2012-10-15
Temporal prec.111110
Latitude29.59 - 30.04
Longitude-85.97 - -85.45
Coord. prec.3 decimal digits
Data typeAnimal sighting
Traveled (km)0
Contr. throughNavy
Sharing policy CC-BY (All)
Shared with OBIS
GBIF (via DOI)
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