North Carolina Rehabilitated Sea Turtle Monitoring Project
Dataset credit
Data provider SEATURTLE.ORG Animal Tracking Program Originating data center Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT)Project partner The partners of this tracking project include Jean Beasley and her crew of volunteers and interns at the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, Matthew Godfrey and Wendy Cluse of the NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and Michael Coyne of SEATURTLE.ORG. Project sponsor or sponsor description We are looking for sponsors for this project. Please contact if you are interested in sponsoring one or more satellite tracked turtles from the North Carolina Rehabilitated Sea Turtle Monitoring Project
Coyne M. 2024. North Carolina Rehabilitated Sea Turtle Monitoring Project. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP ( on yyyy-mm-dd and originated from Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT; Halpin, P.N., A.J. Read, E. Fujioka, B.D. Best, B. Donnelly, L.J. Hazen, C. Kot, K. Urian, E. LaBrecque, A. Dimatteo, J. Cleary, C. Good, L.B. Crowder, and K.D. Hyrenbach. 2009. OBIS-SEAMAP: The world data center for marine mammal, sea bird, and sea turtle distributions. Oceanography. 22(2):104-115.
Since 1997, the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, located on Topsail Island in North Carolina, has worked towards caring for sick or injured sea turtles in order that they should be released back to the wild. Each year, the KBSTRRC admits dozens of turtles that have been found in North Carolina and elsewhere. Working in collaboration with the wildlife veterinarians from North Carolina State University and others, the staff of the KBSTRRC have successfully rehabilitated and released more than 100 sea turtles over the past 7 years.
The majority of turtles that have been released have been juveniles, and up until now there was no information available on where and how the turtles were going in the water. Now, with the help of satellite tracking, we can watch where some of the rehabilitated turtles go after their treatment at the KBSTRRC.
Supplemental information
This section explains attributes included in the original dataset.
OBIS-SEAMAP restricts the attributes available to the public to date/time, lat/lon and species names/counts only.
Should you need other attributes described here, you are encouraged to contact the data provider.
Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
Only minimum required attributes are visible and downloadable online. Other attributes may be obtained upon provider's permission.
Attributes in dataset
Attribute (table column) | Description |
prognum | Program number |
tag_id | PTT ID |
lc | Location class |
iq | Quality indicator |
dir1 | Dir 1 |
nb_mes | Number of messages received |
big_nb_mes | definition not provided |
best_level | Best signal strength in dB |
pass_duration | Pass duration in seconds |
nopc | Number Of Plausibility Checks successful (from 0-4) |
calcul_freq | Calculated frequency |
altitude | Altitude used for location calculation |
sensors | Sensors |
species | Species name |
project_id | STAT Project ID |
lc_filter | Parameters to location filtering |
speed_filter | Parameters to speed filtering |
distance_filter | Parameters to distance filtering |
topo_filter | Parameters to topo filtering |
time_filter | Parameters to time filtering |
angle_filter | Parameters to angle filtering |
life_stage | Life stage of the animal |
gender | Gender of the animal |
wetdry | Wet or dry |
wetdry_filter | Parameters to Wet or dry filterint |
obs_datetime | Date and time (local time zone) |
timezone_h | Time difference from UTC |
Seabirds | 0 |
Marine mammals | 0 |
Sea turtles | 1,929 |
Rays and sharks | 0 |
Other species | 0 |
Non spatial | 0 |
Non species | 0 |
Total | 1,929 |
Date, Begin | 2009-09-16 |
Date, End | 2013-09-28 |
Temporal prec. | 111111 |
Latitude | 26.06 - 34.61 |
Longitude | -81.65 - -77.06 |
Coord. prec. | 3 decimal digits |
Platform | Tag |
Data type | Telemetry location |
Tracklines | YES (ID: 997) |
if ($show_effort_stat) {
Traveled (km) | 11,708 |
Travel hours | 13,336 |
if ($sources != null and $sources != "" and $dataset_id != 427) { // Do not show ESAS
Contr. through | Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool |
Registered | 2013-08-06 |
Updated | 2024-02-29 |
Status | Published |
Sharing policy |
Permission required |
Shared with |
SWOT GBIF (via DOI)* * Aggregated summary |
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