Number of users / requests | Users | Requests |
6207 | 30610 |
Types requested | All | Partial | All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All". Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial". A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest. |
8379 | 22231 |
Years | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
5 | 113 | 196 | 4279 | 4962 | 3006 | 2112 | 2173 | 1663 | 1733 | 1190 | 1049 | 1835 | 2096 | 2376 | 1300 | 522 |
Formats requested | Types requested | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No. | Date requested | Types requested | Format | #records | Along with... | Species included | Request ID |
20601 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 561269f60ac13_20151005_81606 |
20602 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 561269f86c26b_20151005_81652 |
20603 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 561262b3a401b_20151005_74512 |
20604 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 561266e372133_20151005_80400 |
20605 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 561266ee0d413_20151005_80552 |
20606 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 561261be78225_20151005_74058 |
20607 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 561269f7ad18f_20151005_81616 |
20608 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 561262eb46e48_20151005_74612 |
20609 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 56125e8d1199a_20151005_72726 |
20610 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5612610708a91_20151005_73758 |
20611 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 561260f4b6726_20151005_73735 |
20612 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5612695d74ee9_20151005_81452 |
20613 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5612695d6b2aa_20151005_81427 |
20614 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 56126a96ea59c_20151005_82024 |
20615 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5612692f85186_20151005_81248 |
20616 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 561266fa365c0_20151005_80807 |
20617 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 56125f396d87e_20151005_73023 |
20618 | 2015-10-05 | swot_distribution | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 56129e1a36bbc_20151005_120352 |
20619 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 56129864123f8_20151005_114254 |
20620 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5612a5b3a39f7_20151005_123236 |
20621 | 2015-10-05 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5612a8db67df0_20151005_124444 |
20622 | 2015-10-02 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560e8f52e2982_20151002_100817 |
20623 | 2015-10-01 | dist_sp | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560daf0f00d27_20151001_190239 |
20624 | 2015-10-01 | dist_sp | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560daf0f00d27_20151001_191933 |
20625 | 2015-10-01 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560d1e88a0957_20151001_82701 |
20626 | 2015-10-01 | whole_dataset | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560d1e88a0957_20151001_81301 |
20627 | 2015-09-30 | swot_distribution | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560beda403b9c_20150930_101212 |
20628 | 2015-09-30 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560b98d9a7ee4_20150930_41236 |
20629 | 2015-09-30 | swot_distribution | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560be8803fbc5_20150930_100630 |
20630 | 2015-09-29 | whole_species | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560a845e80a68_20150929_85534 |
20631 | 2015-09-29 | points | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560a845e80a68_20150929_85824 |
20632 | 2015-09-29 | points | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560a845e80a68_20150929_85625 |
20633 | 2015-09-29 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560a845e80a68_20150929_84903 |
20634 | 2015-09-29 | swot_hs | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560ada609b1e5_20150929_144204 |
20635 | 2015-09-29 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560a25ec26966_20150929_21157 |
20636 | 2015-09-28 | dist_sp | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 56095de42334a_20150928_114247 |
20637 | 2015-09-27 | points | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 56080f2c30e7a_20150927_114847 |
20638 | 2015-09-27 | points | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 56080f2c30e7a_20150927_115127 |
20639 | 2015-09-27 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5607e43f3907a_20150927_100943 |
20640 | 2015-09-27 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5602a90987c05_20150927_80042 |
20641 | 2015-09-27 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5607e43914b0b_20150927_84445 |
20642 | 2015-09-26 | whole_species | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5606fbe2045af_20150926_161717 |
20643 | 2015-09-25 | dist_sp | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5602a057b4ba9_20150925_142419 |
20644 | 2015-09-25 | dist_sp | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5602a057b4ba9_20150925_80606 |
20645 | 2015-09-25 | dist_sp | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5602a057b4ba9_20150925_82311 |
20646 | 2015-09-25 | dist_sp | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 5602a057b4ba9_20150925_141107 |
20647 | 2015-09-25 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560556f2a8ecd_20150925_102818 |
20648 | 2015-09-25 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560556f2a8ecd_20150925_105822 |
20649 | 2015-09-25 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560556f2a8ecd_20150925_105912 |
20650 | 2015-09-25 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 560556f2a8ecd_20150925_110016 |