Number of users / requests | Users | Requests |
6214 | 30634 |
Types requested | All | Partial | All or partial?: When all records of this dataset were downloaded, it is flagged as "All". Otherwise, it is flagged as "Partial". A partial download happens when a user specifies particular species / areas / dates of interest. |
8379 | 22255 |
Years | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
29 | 113 | 196 | 4279 | 4962 | 3006 | 2112 | 2173 | 1663 | 1733 | 1190 | 1049 | 1835 | 2096 | 2376 | 1300 | 522 |
Formats requested | Types requested | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No. | Date requested | Types requested | Format | #records | Along with... | Species included | Request ID |
701 | 2022-11-21 | whole_dataset | kml | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637c26e694fd5_20221121_203402 |
702 | 2022-11-21 | whole_dataset | kml | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637c1b4163978_20221121_194750 |
703 | 2022-11-21 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637c1b4163978_20221121_194827 |
704 | 2022-11-21 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637c26e694fd5_20221121_203358 |
705 | 2022-11-21 | whole_dataset | kml | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637c1f97c7fde_20221121_201328 |
706 | 2022-11-21 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637bee70d168d_20221121_163343 |
707 | 2022-11-21 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637be8537c52d_20221121_160911 |
708 | 2022-11-21 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637be9e80f398_20221121_161818 |
709 | 2022-11-20 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637a1213382d7_20221120_064056 |
710 | 2022-11-20 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637a043a8c1b4_20221120_062339 |
711 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637815e1021ba_20221118_183444 |
712 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637815e1021ba_20221118_184145 |
713 | 2022-11-18 | dist_sp | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637826ba90f27_20221118_195027 |
714 | 2022-11-18 | dist_sp_h3 | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637826ba90f27_20221118_200827 |
715 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637826ba90f27_20221118_201154 |
716 | 2022-11-18 | dist_sp | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63785faac9388_20221119_000054 |
717 | 2022-11-18 | dist_sp | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63785faac9388_20221119_000051 |
718 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63783783db0ac_20221118_211926 |
719 | 2022-11-18 | swot_site_locations | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63781d46af593_20221118_214617 |
720 | 2022-11-18 | dist_sp | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63781d46af593_20221118_215222 |
721 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63783783db0ac_20221118_212143 |
722 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63783783db0ac_20221118_212442 |
723 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63783783db0ac_20221118_212633 |
724 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63783783db0ac_20221118_212309 |
725 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63783783db0ac_20221118_213849 |
726 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | gdb | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63783783db0ac_20221118_210938 |
727 | 2022-11-18 | swot_distribution | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63781d46af593_20221118_214807 |
728 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63783783db0ac_20221118_211315 |
729 | 2022-11-18 | whole_species | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63783783db0ac_20221118_211636 |
730 | 2022-11-18 | swot_hs | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63781d46af593_20221118_215015 |
731 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377976d05b3b_20221118_093247 |
732 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637797bcd6253_20221118_093414 |
733 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377980540113_20221118_101910 |
734 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | gdb | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377866992c29_20221118_082022 |
735 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63779251b0f9a_20221118_093157 |
736 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | gdb | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377976d05b3b_20221118_093229 |
737 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | gdb | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 637797bcd6253_20221118_093353 |
738 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | gdb | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377980540113_20221118_093506 |
739 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377a36865d47_20221118_102348 |
740 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | gdb | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 63779251b0f9a_20221118_093152 |
741 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | gdb | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377a2783da96_20221118_101946 |
742 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377a2783da96_20221118_101954 |
743 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377a32d8bfaa_20221118_102248 |
744 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | gdb | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377a32d8bfaa_20221118_102240 |
745 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | csv | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377a2a300f64_20221118_102210 |
746 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | gdb | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377a2a300f64_20221118_102016 |
747 | 2022-11-18 | whole_dataset | gdb | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377a36865d47_20221118_102344 |
748 | 2022-11-18 | dist_sp_h3 | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377c7e80a07f_20221118_130727 |
749 | 2022-11-18 | swot_site_locations | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377c7e80a07f_20221118_130706 |
750 | 2022-11-18 | swot_distribution | shapefile | 7 | List of datasets | List of species | 6377c7e80a07f_20221118_130713 |