UNCW Aerial Surveys for monitoring of proposed Onslow Bay USWTR site - Left side -

University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Dataset credit

William A. McLellan, University of North Carolina Wilmington


Primary contact William McLellan University of North Carolina Wilmington
Data entry Ei Fujioka Duke University



Onslow Bay, off the coast of North Carolina, is currently the United States Navy's preferred site for an undersea warfare training range (USWTR). To determine the abundance and distribution of marine mammals and sea turtles within the USWTR, a monitoring program that includes aerial, vessel and passive acoustic survey techniques is currently being undertaken by Duke University, St. Andrews University and the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Surveys were flown in a Cessna 337, at 305 m altitude and 185 km/hr speed, with a pilot, co-pilot and two observers. The survey, consisting of ten 74 km long track-lines spaced 6.5 km apart, creating a 5 km boundary around the USWTR site, was flown 1 - 2 times a month.



Supplemental information

[2015-03-24] A few records had a wrong animal count of zero. The value is replaced with a blank representing species presence only.

This dataset includes a subset of the data collection for the Onlsow Aerial surveys.
Other data of the collection are available in the following datasets:
USWTR Onslow Bay Aerial Survey -Right side- 2010-2011
USWTR Onslow Bay Aerial Survey -Left side- 2010-2011
USWTR Onslow Bay Aerial Survey -Left side- 2008-2010
USWTR Onslow Bay Aerial Survey -Right side- 2008-2010
UNCW Aerial Surveys for monitoring of proposed Onslow Bay USWTR site - Right side -

All the US Navy-funded survey datasets are found in the OBIS-SEAMAP US Navy page.




This section explains attributes included in the original dataset. OBIS-SEAMAP restricts the attributes available to the public to date/time, lat/lon and species names/counts only. Should you need other attributes described here, you are encouraged to contact the data provider.

Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
Only minimum required attributes are visible and downloadable online. Other attributes may be obtained upon provider's permission.

Attributes in dataset

Attribute (table column)Description
iddefinition not provided
dateDate of observation
timeTime of observation
waypointdefinition not provided
latitudeLatitude of observation
longitudeLongitude of observation
eventdefinition not provided
headingdefinition not provided
track_numdefinition not provided
observerdefinition not provided
altitudedefinition not provided
vizabilitydefinition not provided
bssdefinition not provided
clouddefinition not provided
glare_ldefinition not provided
glare_rdefinition not provided
angledefinition not provided
deg_forwrddefinition not provided
cuedefinition not provided
speciesSpecies observed
commondefinition not provided
tsnSpecies ITIS TSN
scientificdefinition not provided
group_definition not provided
rankdefinition not provided
reliabilitydefinition not provided
count_mindefinition not provided
count_maxdefinition not provided
obs_countNumber of animals observed
commentsdefinition not provided
geomdefinition not provided
oidUnique ID number (generated by SEAMAP)
datetime_inidefinition not provided
latitude_inidefinition not provided
longitude_inidefinition not provided
Marine mammals10
Sea turtles49
Rays and sharks7
Other species0
Non spatial0
Non species0
Date, Begin2007-06-26
Date, End2007-12-11
Temporal prec.111111
Latitude33.40 - 34.22
Longitude-77.08 - -76.12
Coord. prec.6 decimal digits
Data typeAnimal sighting
EffortYES (ID: 436)
Traveled (km)9,092
Effort hours73
Contr. throughNavy
Sharing policy CC-BY-NC (Minimum)
Shared with OBIS
GBIF (via DOI)
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