TARTACare Calabria: monitoring and conservation of the loggerhead turtle nesting activity along the Ionian coast of Calabria (Southern Italy)
Islameta Group, University of Pisa
Dataset credit
Data provider Islameta Group, Dept. of Biology - University of Pisa Originating data center Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT)Project partner The overall TARTAcare project of the Dept. of Ecology, Calabria University is a collaboration with: Islameta Group, University of Pisa (satellite tracking), University of Rome Tor Vergata (genetic analysis), University of Florence (beach characterization), Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn, Naples (tagging), and WWF Italia and FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano) for nest protection and public awareness campaigns Project sponsor or sponsor description The project is authorized by the Ministry of Environment (Direzione Protezione della Natura). The main financial supports to the project were provided through the years by the Italian Ministry of Environment and of University and Research, and the Calabrian regional government (Assessorato alle Politiche dell�Ambiente)
Role | Name | Organization | |
Primary contact |
Paolo Luschi |
University of Pisa |
Data entry |
Michael Coyne |
seaturtle.org |
Luschi P. 2024. TARTACare Calabria: monitoring and conservation of the loggerhead turtle nesting activity along the Ionian coast of Calabria (Southern Italy). Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP (http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/524) on yyyy-mm-dd and originated from Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT; http://www.seaturtle.org/tracking/index.shtml?project_id=427). Halpin, P.N., A.J. Read, E. Fujioka, B.D. Best, B. Donnelly, L.J. Hazen, C. Kot, K. Urian, E. LaBrecque, A. Dimatteo, J. Cleary, C. Good, L.B. Crowder, and K.D. Hyrenbach. 2009. OBIS-SEAMAP: The world data center for marine mammal, sea bird, and sea turtle distributions. Oceanography. 22(2):104-115.
The Southern Ionian coast of Calabria is currently recognized as the main nesting ground for loggerhead turtles in Italy, accounting for 70% of the total nesting events which were documented nationwide over the last six years (2003-2008). This finding arose from a research project (TARTACare Calabria) initiated by the Dept. of Ecology of Calabria University (Rende, Italy) in summer 2000. This project mainly aims at nest monitoring and protecting, but also has additional objectives such as estimating of nesting population, genetic analysis, beach characterization, definition of type and entity of threats to nesting derived from human impact (including fishing impact). Satellite tracking of nesting females has also been attempted to track the post-nesting migrations and to ultimately identify the so far unknown foraging areas of the turtles nesting on the Ionian coast.
Zeffiria and Esperia are the first two turtles nesting in Italy that are being tracked by satellite during their post-nesting migrations.
Supplemental information
This section explains attributes included in the original dataset.
OBIS-SEAMAP restricts the attributes available to the public to date/time, lat/lon and species names/counts only.
Should you need other attributes described here, you are encouraged to contact the data provider.
Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
Only minimum required attributes are visible and downloadable online. Other attributes may be obtained upon provider's permission.
Attributes in dataset
Attribute (table column) | Description |
prognum | Program number |
tag_id | PTT ID |
lc | Location class |
iq | Quality indicator |
dir1 | Dir 1 |
nb_mes | Number of messages received |
big_nb_mes | definition not provided |
best_level | Best signal strength in dB |
pass_duration | Pass duration in seconds |
nopc | Number Of Plausibility Checks successful (from 0-4) |
calcul_freq | Calculated frequency |
altitude | Altitude used for location calculation |
sensors | Sensors |
species | Species name |
project_id | STAT Project ID |
lc_filter | Parameters to location filtering |
speed_filter | Parameters to speed filtering |
distance_filter | Parameters to distance filtering |
topo_filter | Parameters to topo filtering |
time_filter | Parameters to time filtering |
angle_filter | Parameters to angle filtering |
life_stage | Life stage of the animal |
gender | Gender of the animal |
wetdry | Wet or dry |
wetdry_filter | Parameters to Wet or dry filterint |
obs_datetime | Date and time (local time zone) |
timezone_h | Time difference from UTC |
Seabirds | 0 |
Marine mammals | 0 |
Sea turtles | 9,945 |
Rays and sharks | 0 |
Other species | 0 |
Non spatial | 0 |
Non species | 0 |
Total | 9,945 |
Date, Begin | 2009-07-16 |
Date, End | 2013-07-30 |
Temporal prec. | 111111 |
Latitude | 32.65 - 38.92 |
Longitude | 0.55 - 20.92 |
Coord. prec. | 3 decimal digits |
Platform | Tag |
Data type | Telemetry location |
Tracklines | YES (ID: 529) |
if ($show_effort_stat) {
Traveled (km) | 52,772 |
Travel hours | 66,653 |
if ($sources != null and $sources != "" and $dataset_id != 427) { // Do not show ESAS
Contr. through | Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool |
Registered | 2009-08-04 |
Updated | 2024-03-01 |
Status | Published |
Sharing policy |
Permission required |
Shared with |
GBIF (via DOI)* * Aggregated summary |
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